Vb3dConverter - 模擬器

By William
at 2017-02-18T15:43
at 2017-02-18T15:43
Table of Contents
While developing Snatcher I wrote a number of tools to get stuff done. The
one that sparked the most interest in the community was a tool that can
convert 2D images to 3D VirtualBoy images if a respective depth map is drawn.
I decided to make this tool available for everyone awhile ago but got annoyed
by someone who kept requesting features. So, I stopped programming some time
ago. However, I decided to put this out in it's current state. There are some
features missing which I might add if this is actually put to use by someone.
There is some more info here:
Here is the lib I use:
https://www.codeproject.com/articles/2 ... ing-d-image-from-depthmap
Here is a video that shows how to draw depth maps:
During the last coding competition a new member going by the nickname Red
Metal joined planetvb. He planned to submit a VB port of Snatcher, a game
that I had never heard of. After 7 post he stopped writing updates. Almost
exactly one year ago someone else posted that Red Metal had passed away.
That post choked me up quite a bit. I had never talked to him but from his
post I could tell that he was a very nice person. I felt like I missed my
chance to get to know him. I tried to express that in a post but somehow my
words felt meaningless to me.
It sparked an idea though... I could create a Snatcher port in his memory. So
I started learning about the game and all the different versions. After
playing it for a bit I came to the conclusion that it's too complex. But
somehow I couldn't let the idea go.
One year and something like 200-300 hours of work later I have a first demo
done. You can play up to the point where you leave for Alton Plaza. The
Jordan Computer, inventory and shooting games are fully working. I had to
skip the save feature and the video phone for now. To my knowledge it is
furthers a homebrew Snatcher port has ever gotten.
Here are some features:
- Dynamic dialog system with alternating answers
- Dynamic inventory (Select button) that reacts to people in the room
- Every image has been converted to 3D
- PCM music and sound effects
- In game Jordan computer fully working
- Shooting games fully ported
Special Thanks go to:
- Bigmak and Minestorm for testing.
- Horvat for sharing his PCM code. In the end I wrote my own but it sure
helped allot.
- Benjamin Stevens for testing and helping out with the transcripts.
I'm well aware that there are some imperfections in the game. I will continue
polishing what is there and extending it until the game is fully completed.
Even if it takes till the 25th vb anniversary.
I hope this is something Red Metal would have enjoyed playing.
Happy 20th anniversary everyone.

part1 http://0rz.tw/h9m9k
part2 http://0rz.tw/IJgyK
All Comments

By Kama
at 2017-02-22T18:24
at 2017-02-22T18:24

By Enid
at 2017-02-23T03:57
at 2017-02-23T03:57

By Genevieve
at 2017-02-25T00:13
at 2017-02-25T00:13
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