uNGP Dusk Preview - 模擬器

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-01-30T10:41

Table of Contents


Uguru released a Neo-Geo Pocket Emulator, that is based on R.A.C.E. and
Neopop for the Linux OS of the Dingux handheld.



uNGP is an Neo Geo Pocket & Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator. NGP is a 16-bit
color handheld game console by SNK. It was their last console ever. It was
released on March 16, 1999 in Japan, August 6, 1999 in the United States, and
some time in 1999 in Europe. Ported and bassed on Neopop and R.A.C.E.

* Still a wip version.
* Doc is also beeing writted.
* Source still dirty and uncommented, after clean, will be on svn.

* Games supported compressed and uncommpressed.
* Save & Load States with screenshot.
* Gamepad map configurable.
* Cheat support.
* Sound support.
* Filemanager also in zip file.
* Scale video.
* Crc discover file′s name.
* Zip files with one rom, runs without filezipmanager.

-Arrows: basic movement, up, down, left, right.
-B/A: Action buttons.
-Y/X: Start and Select.
-Select: open menu.

Version History

0.1 Dusk Preview
- Initial public version.

* Unpack compressed file, and copy to SD card.
* Copy games to "roms" folder.
* Add an entry to dmenu.

Put ungp.png image in theme dmenu folder.

Add dmenu config sample:

MenuItem uNGP
Icon = "res/ungp.png"
Name = " uNGP"
Executable = "./uNGP.dingoo"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/emus/uNGP"

Thanks to
- To original Neopop and R.A.C.E! emu programmers.
- Juarrox(developia.info Staff).

You can contact:.

Uguru: inuguru@gmailcom
[email protected]

Source code
Source code will be available at the Google project page.

PayPal account grupodevelopia@gmail


All Comments

MAMEXT v0.136u2

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-01-30T10:39
http://www.emucr.com/2010/01/mamext-v0136u2.html MAMEXT v0.136u2 is released.MAMEXT is a cool unofficial version of MAMEUI with highscore save included.MA ...

MAMEUIFX32 0.136u2 FIX

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-01-30T10:36
http://mame32fx.altervista.org/home.htm MAMEUIFX32 0.136u2 FIX released. Updated to MAME 0.136u2 - MAMEUI 0.136u2 - Fixed GUI bug that caused program ...

kawaks 1.45版 問題

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-01-29T23:02
請教各位 我剛接觸模擬器遇到一個問題 執行某些遊戲時,畫面可以正常流暢 但某些遊戲執行時卻看到畫面都是破格的狀況 google了好一陣子都找不到答案 請各位指教我方法 -- - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-01-29T21:27
目前確定用SSF去跑會卡在Disc 2的某個特定地點,日文網頁也證實這點 http://www8.atwiki.jp/ssemu/pages/93.html 有人試過其他模擬器可以順利全破嗎? - ...

[NDS]DeSmuME SVN r3320

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-01-29T19:34
http://www.emucr.com/search/label/DeSmuME 最近每天連發 r3320 Add an entry about the OpenAL microphone support - ...