UAE4All RC3 - 模擬器

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-04-06T14:53

Table of Contents

Open Source Amiga500 emulator for Dreamcast and Dingoo console.

UAE4All Features:
Frameskip between 0-1 without sound and 1-2 with sound.
Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
Autoframeskip for real speed.
Mouse & Keyboard Dreamcast supported.
Virtual Keyboard with triggers L-R.
Joystick is emulated with digital pad + A,X buttons.
Mouse is emulated with analog pad + Y,B buttons.
Fast sound with 8 buffers synchronized.
Filemanager with subdirectories access.
Complete menu with 'start' button: load, throttle, frameskip, reset...
2 joysticks emulated.
Under PAL dreamcasts ask 60-50Hz selection.
Save disks changes to VMU.
Superthrottle mode for speed up intros and loading time.
SH4 exceptions catched for stability.
ADZ support (ADF floppy image gzip compressed)
2 floopy drives emulated.

New features have been added to release candidate version :
- SuperThrottle
Hold right trigger first and left trigger second for automatic sound off and
frameskip to 10 for speed up. This try to avoid large time for intros and
loading time.

- ADZ support
You can compress your ADF floppy images with GZIP compression utility in
order to save CD space. GZIP is free and multiplatform: Windows, GNU/Linux,
MacOS ...

- Save disks changes to VMU
UAE4ALL can save to VMU disk sectors changed using ZIP compression. For games
as Dune2, now you can save your campaigns and continue at future. A new menu
option called "Save Disks" has added for enable or disable this feature.

- 2 floppy drives emulted
You can choose on filemanager a new disk for DF0 with A button and a new disk
for DF1 with Y button. Also, you can eject DF1 with 'Eject DF1' menu option.

- Throttle
Amiga is a hard machine to emulate. So, a lot of games support drawing
shortcuts and cpu timeslice ampler. These methods speed up emulation and
improve playbility under Dreamcast.

- Autoframeskip
Unfortunately, UAE4ALL needs frameskipping for real time emulation. Active
auto-frameskip menu option for real speed.
If you want sound, it's a very important thing, the sound needs to be


All Comments


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-04-06T14:11
FC的時空勇傳不知道有沒有人玩過, 我用了rocknes和virtuanes兩個模擬器都沒有辦法順利執行, 進入遊戲的標題和文字都不會出現, 音樂部份卻是完全正常, 如果按開始遊戲, 等待一陣子會出現看不到字的選單, 然後選完就會出現一小段動畫, 之後整個畫面就會呈現死當。 有人知道怎麼解決這個問題嗎? 能 ...

MESS 簡直太偉大了

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-04-06T13:40
MESS 現在已經出到 0.142 版,但是研究 MESS 的過程令我抓狂 一般常用到的模擬器超級任天堂、SEGA CD目前還是沒有支援, 但是我花了一個上午去找 BIOS,光是找 BIOS 就玩死人,找到 最後我終於證明,主程式還沒有支援。要玩就玩目前常用的... 不過我覺得我們還是要全力支持 MESS, ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-04-06T12:01
我記得現在小湯應該還有,應該是namco的急流泛舟 可以單人或是雙人進行遊戲,遊戲裡面是滑橡皮艇之類的 遊戲的最後都會有大災難要你突破,例如有滑出大漩渦.被恐龍追... 不知道這遊戲真正原名叫什麼名字 - ...

MAME版本一大堆,新手該用什麼版本比較 …

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-04-06T11:32
※ 引述《arcadyii (123456789)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《conpo (びんぼうがみ)》之銘言: : : 初學者還是以「Plus」這個衍生版當作入門會比較好,相關操作與設定方式可參考 : : 下列文章: : : m 1/14 pjoker □ [分享] MAME ...

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Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-04-06T10:58
2011.04.05 I’ve passed last few days into converting the Taito F3 video chip (TC0630FDP) from 32-bit to 16-bit parallelism. Why a masochistic ta ...