(TypeX/Nesica) TypeXtra v1.0.14 - 模擬器

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-06-19T17:18

Table of Contents




TypeXtra was designed to make setting up TypeX and Nesica Systems more

There are lots of different game sets out in the wild, so setup can be quite
a confusing job. This aims to make it a few clicks job.

TypeXtra does not come with any "ROMS." That would be illegal. If you own the
system you are aiming to emulate, then you can secure a "ROM" image of the
game to emulate on your PC.

Once you have the ROM/s you want, TypeXtra aims to make setup a 3 step

- Point it to the directory/s in which your ROM/s reside
- Click "Autoscan." It will automatically identify most games if their folders
contain a game.inf file (some roms don't)
- Click "Setup Games" to install an assured set of support files which will
make the game run. This does depend on your ROM files.


- Import other "Game Service" sets - ones that are designed to ensure games
boot OK. Some of these have modified game executables, therefore they're not
included with this distribution. However, see elsewhere for instructions on
obtaining and importing.

- Import "HD Exe" sets. The original game executables ran at lower resolutions.

- Some modified executables have been produced to have these games work at
higher resolutions (not just stetch to fill your display, but to actually
render at higher resolutions).

- Customise what files launch the game, what file to monitor for the game
ending and what controls setting application to use on a game-per-game basis.

- Runs invisibly from command line - once you have your games set up, send it
the short ort long game name and it will boot the game and close itself once
the game executable has stopped. This helps with front end setups, where the
front end will monitor for the temrination of the launch application (in this
case, TypeXtra).

- Create shortcuts pointing towards the game launch files in either the 'long'
or 'short' game format. This can be used to have a front end launch a file
directly by executing the shortcut, or, more helpfully, get the correct
command line parameter to pass to TypeXtra to launch the game.

- Audits the exe files and compares against a database of known working vs
known rubbish roms (database in early stages)


TypeXtra Games Database




All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2018-06-24T15:58

ppsspp iPhone6s 搖桿問題

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-06-19T10:02
手機狀況沒JB 下載了ppspp 運行上很ok 但是想說買個搖桿來使用 不然點擊螢幕真的有點卡(iPhone6S) 朋友那邊給了我一個I-Rock G01 雖然藍芽讀得到 但是ppsspp似乎不支援 按起來都沒反應QQ 想請問有推薦支援ppsspp的搖桿嗎? - ...

Saturn體重計商品化 MD&DC版也將推出

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-06-15T11:34
之前限量1122台的SEGA Saturn體重計商品化, 之後MD及DC版的體重計也將推出. 価格 : 6,480円(税込) (最大計量) 150 kg https://imgur.com/Ai8HlLg.jpg 販賣網站: https://vvstore.jp/i/vv_000000000155161/ ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2018-06-15T11:17
當年紅白機正紅時,這家廠商不但「魔改」紅白機、 還開發「勇者鬥色龍」18禁遊戲挑戰任天堂極限 https://www.techbang.com/posts/58793-in-the-heyday-of-the-red-and-white-machine-this-factory-commercial-magi ...

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Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-06-14T21:42
2018.06.13 ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator being written for fun and learning. While accuracy is a long-term goa ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-06-14T16:38
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1R8VXCXo ] 作者: wuling510665 (摩卡金幣) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [問題] 問一款關於大型機台的遊戲 時間: Thu Jun 14 13:08:24 2018 以前這種機台很常出現在百貨公司電玩區 其他地方我還沒看過 ...