TurboEngine v0.20 - 模擬器

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-12-05T12:47

Table of Contents



Version 0.20 aka "the serious version" Smile
This release is a complete rewrite of the emulator. It will be quite
a lot slower compared to the previous releases.

* CPU emulator rewritten.
* Completely new PSG with more accurate noise emulation.
* Completely new VDC/VCE core. More accurate. Everything is implemented now.
* Cycle accurate sample generation support.
* New "High Quality" sound mode. Will result in more accurate sound. This can
slow down the emulation speed quite considerably so only turn it on if
you have a fast enough PC.
* SuperGrafx support. All SGX games run perfectly.
* Street Fighter 2 banking support.
* Almost all glitches should now be gone.
* Configuration file containg emulator related settings is now created.
Some setting, righ now, can only be changed by modifiying it.
* Save state support. By default, the quick save states will be saved
in the "Saves" subfolder. It can be changed by changing "StatePath"
in TurboEngine.ini.
* Turbo Engine now remembers recently loaded ROMs. "File History" will
contain recently loaded ROMs along with its full path.
* Setting "ShortHistoryNames" in TurboEngine.ini to 1 will only display ROM
names instead of its full path in "File History".
* Support for changing Window sizes.
* Fullscreen support. It is a bit buggy at the moment. But will work out
most of the time.
* VSync support. This will remove tearing in the video. Depending on your
monitor or video card, it can also cause stuttering in video or sound.
* Kega Fusion plugin system support. Only 2x scalers supported at the moment.
* Turbo Mode support.
* Brighten option added. This will take out the differences between the TV
and monitor brightness. It is recommended to turn it on.
* Various overscan options added.
* Many aspect ratio correction options added. Note that "Correct aspect
will only work in fullscreen mode. For correcting aspect in windowed mode,
use "Window Ratio" option.
* Window aspect ratio correction option added.
* Option to disable sound.
* Lowpass filter option added.
* Loud option added to make PSG a bit more heavy and effective Smile . Though
it can result in sound getting clipped.
* Option to Save/Load BRAM. If turned on, BRAM will be saved or loaded
otherwise it will be discarded.
* Cheat file support added.
* DirectInput support added. This means joypads, gamepads, joysticks etc..
are now supported.
* Option to redefine input settings. Note that 6-button option, though
listed, will not work.
* Option to revert key settings back to default.
* Option to make window top most.
* Autopasue option added which will pause the emulator whenever it loses
* High priority option added.
* Option to disable screen savers while emulator is running.
* Option to show FPS.
* About box added Wink .


All Comments


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-12-05T09:46
我是用那個常見的Pcsx2模擬器 之前玩機器人大戰的第二次α、第三次α都還蠻正常的 ◎玩MX會畫面錯誤,調了好幾種顯示方式也沒有用 = =and#34; 然而像DOA2這種連標題都進不去的倒是第一次遇到 直接在模擬器第一個畫面結束後就跳出錯誤訊息關閉了 請問有沒有能跑DOA2的PS2模擬器呢?或是P ...

MD的robocop vs the terminator攻略

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-12-05T03:03
暫停+BBAACCBBAACC 可以得到54命 暫停+BACCCABBACCCAB 再回到遊戲中同時按下和ABC就能換武器 死的瞬間按A換武器 可保留原來特武 這款不用密技可以說幾乎破不了 因為機器戰警沒幾下就爆 而手槍的威力又超弱 首先一開始將武器換成能自由控制的炸彈 這個武器威力最高(除了量產型T- ...

最近...破不了的FC GAME Q太郎

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-12-05T01:14
原本以為只要有SL大法是不可能有破不了關的動作還是射擊遊戲 沒想到竟然就遇到一個, 就是FC的Q太郎(オバケのQたろう), 以前玩 實機的時候覺得這遊戲畫面不錯, 角色也很有意思, 原著是藤子不二 雄的漫畫, 其實我覺得他畫的好幾個漫畫好像架構都跟小叮噹差不多, 一定有一個像小叮噹的角色可以幫沒用主角 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-12-04T19:42
遊戲平台:GB 內容陳述:可以調時間的神奇寶貝金版 心得回憶: 最近整理屋子整理出GB-L和藍灰雙色的金版、銀版以及黑色的水晶版 突然很懷念那一陣子每天窩在被窩裡打到天亮的日子(因為我的GB是夜光版呀~) 雖然已經是有點年代的東西了,不過我想推廣給身邊的人,讓他感受一下這經典作的樂趣 然後問題來了 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-12-04T18:20
※ 引述《carlobay (有錢解千愁~)》之銘言: : 硬體配備:E8400 OC3.6G : EP43 DS3L : HD3850 : 4G RAM 恕刪 想趁資訊月換台新電腦,把原來的Celeron 2.8G搬回老家給母親用 希望可以改善原 ...