TS問題求解? - 戰棋

By Isabella
at 2011-06-27T22:04
at 2011-06-27T22:04
Table of Contents
※ 引述《yangtzelue (遊戲人間)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《hiclark (CLARK)》之銘言:
: : 第67號卡 售麥予蘇聯
: 借標題一問
: 如果蘇聯出這張牌 美國抽到他手牌 KGB成員叛逃
: 這時美國是否有1分?
: (意即該牌到底算誰打出的?)
Card: #67 Ops 2: Grain Sales to Soviets (USA) - MID WAR
Randomly choose one card from USSR hand. Play it or return it.
If returned, use this card to conduct Operations normally
Card: #103 Ops 2: Defectors (USA) - LATE WAR
Play in Headline Phase to cancel USSR Headline event, including Scoring Card.
Cancelled card returns to Discard Pile.
If Defectors played by USSR during Soviet action round, US gains 1 VP.
: ※ 引述《hiclark (CLARK)》之銘言:
: : 第67號卡 售麥予蘇聯
: 借標題一問
: 如果蘇聯出這張牌 美國抽到他手牌 KGB成員叛逃
: 這時美國是否有1分?
: (意即該牌到底算誰打出的?)
Card: #67 Ops 2: Grain Sales to Soviets (USA) - MID WAR
Randomly choose one card from USSR hand. Play it or return it.
If returned, use this card to conduct Operations normally
Card: #103 Ops 2: Defectors (USA) - LATE WAR
Play in Headline Phase to cancel USSR Headline event, including Scoring Card.
Cancelled card returns to Discard Pile.
If Defectors played by USSR during Soviet action round, US gains 1 VP.
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