Trove 7/29 更新延長公告 - Steam

By Freda
at 2015-07-30T14:19
at 2015-07-30T14:19
Table of Contents
※ 引述《howar31 (影紫‧歐人)》之銘言:
: 睡起來結果還在維修,上官往看到無盡的延長公告,以下簡單翻譯
: ==
: 原公告網址
: Hey,
: 嘿,
: If you're here you're probably trying to play Trove right now.
: 或許你現在可能在試著登入 Trove 吧。
: To cut to the bone, today has not been a good day for the Trove servers.
: 坦白直說,今天真不是 Trove 伺服器的好日子。
: The short version is that we did what should have been a safe database
: upgrade during the downtime, and that update didn't work. It forced us to
: bring down the servers and roll back to the state we were in this morning
: when we patched, including the data itself.
: 簡單來講,我們正在進行伺服器資料庫升級工作,但是升級失敗了,我們迫不得已必須將
: 資料庫還原回升級前的狀態,也包含資料回溯。
: Of course as a service and as an online game we don't think this is in any
: way acceptable, however it is in this case necessary, and we aren't leaving
: the office until the game is back online.
: 當然身為一個服務、一個線上遊戲,我們很清楚這樣的狀況是無法被接受的,但這次的延
: 後是必要的,我們會駐守在辦公室內繼續努力,直到遊戲恢復上線為止。
: In addition, obviously we'll be not only restoring any Credits or Cubits
: spent as well as making sure you got anything else you paid for, but we will
: make good on the lost time on top of that. Once we're back online I will
: update on that.
: 我們會盡全力的復原所有 Credits 或 Cubits 數量,以及所有你花費購買的物品等等,
: 此外還會額外發放延長維修的補償,等到伺服器恢復上線之後我會再說明詳細補償內容。
: Our downtime has been extended by about 5 hours at this point, as usual we'll
: keep you updated. This is going to take us some time to recover and make sure
: everything is safe and stable. We'll be here when you get back. I know many
: of you waited to play and were excited about our update - I'm sorry.
: 我們已經延長了大約五小時的維修時間,也持續向各位報告維修進度,為了恢復所有資料
: 並確保資料完整與穩定,還需要再花點時間,希望下次你再回頭看的時候,我們已經更新
: 完成,我知道很多人急著想玩並很期待我們的更新 - 我感到很抱歉。
: ==
: 懶人包: 更新失敗伺服器強制回溯,工程師緊急搶修中,需要更多維修時間,請坐等補償
: 目前是說會延長到台灣時間下午兩點 這篇說的
: 這篇同步發表在巴哈姆特 (這篇莫名被板主移動並鎖定 我無法更新巴哈上的文章了)
開玩笑 好哇31大大可是我們的抽獎系統神!
This weekend (Friday through Sunday) anyone who logs in will be granted a free
class coin (not tradable) and 3,000 Cubits.
3 days of free Patron time for everyone who made a purchase with real money in
Trove during the week leading up to (and through) the outage. We'll be doing
a rolling grant for this starting tomorrow (7/30/15)
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D5833
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Nyan cat! ▄ ▄ ▄
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: 睡起來結果還在維修,上官往看到無盡的延長公告,以下簡單翻譯
: ==
: 原公告網址
: Hey,
: 嘿,
: If you're here you're probably trying to play Trove right now.
: 或許你現在可能在試著登入 Trove 吧。
: To cut to the bone, today has not been a good day for the Trove servers.
: 坦白直說,今天真不是 Trove 伺服器的好日子。
: The short version is that we did what should have been a safe database
: upgrade during the downtime, and that update didn't work. It forced us to
: bring down the servers and roll back to the state we were in this morning
: when we patched, including the data itself.
: 簡單來講,我們正在進行伺服器資料庫升級工作,但是升級失敗了,我們迫不得已必須將
: 資料庫還原回升級前的狀態,也包含資料回溯。
: Of course as a service and as an online game we don't think this is in any
: way acceptable, however it is in this case necessary, and we aren't leaving
: the office until the game is back online.
: 當然身為一個服務、一個線上遊戲,我們很清楚這樣的狀況是無法被接受的,但這次的延
: 後是必要的,我們會駐守在辦公室內繼續努力,直到遊戲恢復上線為止。
: In addition, obviously we'll be not only restoring any Credits or Cubits
: spent as well as making sure you got anything else you paid for, but we will
: make good on the lost time on top of that. Once we're back online I will
: update on that.
: 我們會盡全力的復原所有 Credits 或 Cubits 數量,以及所有你花費購買的物品等等,
: 此外還會額外發放延長維修的補償,等到伺服器恢復上線之後我會再說明詳細補償內容。
: Our downtime has been extended by about 5 hours at this point, as usual we'll
: keep you updated. This is going to take us some time to recover and make sure
: everything is safe and stable. We'll be here when you get back. I know many
: of you waited to play and were excited about our update - I'm sorry.
: 我們已經延長了大約五小時的維修時間,也持續向各位報告維修進度,為了恢復所有資料
: 並確保資料完整與穩定,還需要再花點時間,希望下次你再回頭看的時候,我們已經更新
: 完成,我知道很多人急著想玩並很期待我們的更新 - 我感到很抱歉。
: ==
: 懶人包: 更新失敗伺服器強制回溯,工程師緊急搶修中,需要更多維修時間,請坐等補償
: 目前是說會延長到台灣時間下午兩點 這篇說的
: 這篇同步發表在巴哈姆特 (這篇莫名被板主移動並鎖定 我無法更新巴哈上的文章了)
開玩笑 好哇31大大可是我們的抽獎系統神!
This weekend (Friday through Sunday) anyone who logs in will be granted a free
class coin (not tradable) and 3,000 Cubits.
3 days of free Patron time for everyone who made a purchase with real money in
Trove during the week leading up to (and through) the outage. We'll be doing
a rolling grant for this starting tomorrow (7/30/15)
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D5833
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Nyan cat! ▄ ▄ ▄
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