(TOOL) Cheat Engine 6.5 - 模擬器

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-01-02T00:43

Table of Contents


Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying
single player games running under window so you can make them harder or
easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy,
try playing a game with a max of 1 HP), but also contains other usefull
tools to help debugging games and even normal applications.


‧Fixed page exception breakpoints from not working
‧Fixed the save as button in the lua script assigned to the table
‧Fixed the dotnetdatacollector from not fetching parent fields
‧Fixed disassembling of some instructions
‧Fixed assembling some instructions
‧Fixed assembling instructions that referenced address 80000000 to ffffffff
in 64-bit targets
‧Fixed dealing with unexpected breakpoints
‧Fixed several issues with the network scanner. (symbols, scanspeed,
threads, etc...)
‧Fixed "going to" 64-bit registers.
‧Fixed pointerstrings for 64-bit
‧Fixed the addressparser in memview's hexview not handing static 64-bit
‧Fixed r8 and r9 looking broken in the memoryview window
‧Fixed hotkeys that set a value as hexadecimal and the value is smaller than
‧Fixed multiline string editing for memory records
‧Fixed dragging cheat tables into CE
‧Fixed VEH debug for 'Modern' apps
‧Fixed several translation issues


‧fixed getStructureCount, writeRegionToFile, readRegionFromFile,
readInteger, ListColum.GetCount
‧fixed memoryleak in MemoryStream

Several fixes to DBVM:

‧added support for Windows 10
‧support for more than 8 cpu's
‧support for newer cpu's
‧fixed issue where calling CPUID right after setting the TF flag wouldn't
trigger a breakpoint after it

Additions and changes:

‧Array of Byte's can now deal with nibble's. (e.g: 9* *0 90 is now a valid
input- and scanstring)
‧The auto assembler can now deal with some mistakes like forgetting to
declare a label
‧Added support to use binutils as assembler and disassembler, and a special
scripting language for it
‧Added support for 64-bit mono, and script support for cases where mono.dll
isn't called mono.dll
‧Added an option to get a list of all recently accessed memory regions. This
is useful for the pointerscanner
‧The pointerscanner can now use multiple snapshots (pointermaps) to do a
scan. This basically lets you do a rescan during the first scan, saving
your harddisk
‧Made the pointerscan network scanner a bit easier to use. You can now join
and leave a pointerscan session
‧You can now stop pointerscans and resume them at a later time
‧Pointerscan files can get converted to and from sqlite database files
‧The pointerscan configuration window now has an advanced and basic mode
‧The all type now has a setting that lets you define what under "all" falls
‧Custom types now also have access to the address they're being used on
‧Split up the "(de)activating this (de)activates children" into two seperate
options (one for activate, one for deactivate)
‧Added some basic Thumb disassembling
‧The xmplayer has been replaced with mikmod which supports many different
module types (in lua you still call it xmplayer)
‧Rightlicking on "your system supports dbvm" will let you manually load DBVM
for each cpu. This is usefull if for some reason your system crashes when
it's done too quickly
‧In "Find what addresses this instruction accesses" you can now open the
structure dissect window of your choice in case there are others. It will
also fill in the base address, so no need to recalculate yourself
‧AA command GlobalAlloc now has an optional 3th parameter that lets you
specify the prefered region
‧Added an option to record and undo writes. (Off by default, can be enabled
in settings. Memview ctrl+z will undo the last edit)
‧Added aobscanregion(name,startaddress,stopaddress,aob)


‧switched from Lua 5.1 to 5.3
‧debug_setBreakpoint can now take an OnBreakpoint parameter that lets you
set a specific function just for that breakpoint
‧added dbk_getPhysicalAddress(int)
‧added dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection(bool)
‧added getWindowList()
‧And a bunch of other lua functions. (check out main.lua)

官方 http://www.cheatengine.org/




All Comments

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By Ivy
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By Charlie
at 2015-12-31T08:41
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