The Show 15 Diamond Dynasty Distilled - PS

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2015-02-20T02:28

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MLB 15 The Show: Diamond Dynasty Distilled

Ramone Russell's Avatar + Posted by Ramone Russell on Feb 19, 2015 //
Community Manager, SCEA San Diego Studios

Since its debut in MLB 12 The Show, the Diamond Dynasty mode has offered
franchise fans a twist on how they can usually interact with their favorite
MLB players in a baseball game. Baseball cards are so intrinsically at the
heart of the sport and its amazing history and tradition, so it always made
sense to incorporate that way of appreciating baseball into The Show. It’s a
nice complement to Franchise and Road to the Show modes, since the strategy
of building your team (and that thrill of a rare player card!) is a wholly
different experience from in-game action.

With MLB 15 The Show, Diamond Dynasty is seeing radical changes. So many in
fact that this year we’re calling it Diamond Dynasty Distilled. Why “
Distilled?” A common definition calls the process the extracting “the
essential meaning or most important aspects of,” which is precisely what we’
ve aimed to do. It’s more intuitive, it’s easier to get into, and we hope
you’ll find it more satisfying than ever.

Check out this new video blog we’ve made, narrated by designer Lance Leahy,
detailing some of the biggest changes:


Lastly, we know some of you haven’t tuned in for our livestreams yet (we’re
trying to host them weekly on our Twitch channel), so you may think the
question of online in this year’s game has gone unanswered. We take pride in
listening to the community intently, and we know online play is a priority
for a lot of Show gamers.

Simply put: a lot of work has gone into improving online play in MLB 15 The
Show. The overall experience will be more stable, more consistent, and feel
better. As we stated last year when we revealed that we were tearing down and
rebuilding the foundation of our netcode, it’s a process. We’re a full year
into a major paradigm shift in terms of how we handle synchronization, how we
’re hiding latency for the player, etc. We’re going to talk a lot more
about what’s gone into it and what fans can expect, but for now we’d just
like to assure you that online remains a focus and pillar for us, it’ll be
better this year, and it’ll continue to get better.

Hard to touch on everything in one blog post!

Follow us on Twitter (@MLBTheShow) and stay tuned for more info in the coming
weeks as we approach MLB 15 The Show’s launch on March 31st for PS4, PS3,
and PS Vita. If you’re looking to snag ’15 on PS4, check out the
Anniversary Edition commemorating 10 years of MLB The Show; not only does it
come with a lot of in-game value, but we’ve gotten a lot of great feedback
on that stylish steelbook!

The Show 15有這個像是自己組一支隊伍的遊戲模式


抽球員卡 配備 制服 球場

然後設計自己的隊名 城市 縮寫


然後慢慢累積經驗值 升級自己的球員 或是再抽一些高級的球員卡

感覺要花很多時間 才能真的很厲害


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All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2015-02-21T04:39
抽卡耶 把手遊搬上PS4 兩個願望一次滿足(誤)
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-02-22T02:46
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2015-02-22T16:44


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-02-20T02:06
※ 引述《lisasis (粒沙)》之銘言: : 自從不小心從架上拿下薄櫻鬼之後,就掉入深不見底的RG坑裡... : 那已經是08年的事了,到現在還爬不出來 : 好不容易爬出O社,又馬上掉進イケメン系列和艶が~る裡 : 然後遇上我的最終BOSS--Voltage社 : 零零總總也砸了好幾十萬日幣(眼神已死) ...

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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2015-02-20T01:06
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Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-02-20T01:00
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Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-02-20T00:53
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Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-02-20T00:41
最近看了最後生還者實況 覺得很喜歡這種風格 如果買一台PS4玩生還者 過關後再把PS4賣掉 這樣值得嗎? - ...