TF2新聞 - Steam

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-10-07T08:22

Table of Contents

Hello there, Team Fortress people. Now that I got your attention, the name's
Whitaker, from Left 4 Dead 2. Nice little setup y'all got here. Now, I'm told
y'all are hired killers. Also, I wanna make it clear that this is ALL I've
been told. Ol' Whitaker don't pass judgment, and he don't take sides. RED,
BLU -- your money's all green here.

Now, to business. I have once again been asked to try and clarify the essence
of some sales paraphernalia.

While my words alone should have been enough to sway you to purchase one of
these fine games, the good people at Valve have decided to throw in a little
something extra for those of you who currently own or who purchase the game
Left 4 Dead 2 by this Thursday at 4pm Pacific Standard Time. This is what
those to the east of me in nawlins might call a Lagniappe.

So what are these items you may ask? Before we go into the finer details of
said offer, let me tell you a little story. Many years ago before my gun
selling ways, I sold house wares door-to-door. I truly must admit, I
struggled in those early days. I simply did not have what those people wanted.

During a long walk down a dusty stretch of road, I met a boy. Now, this won't
no ordinary boy, he had a sparkle about him, a gleam. You could tell he was
gonna be somethin'. So in my desperation, looking to expand my product line
into those items that people genuinely wished to purchase, I asked the boy
what is the greatest gift a man could give?

Without hesitation that young boy said, a skillet to fry your bacon and hat
to act as a mobile roof above your head sir. By god if that boy wasn't right.
I added both to my product line that day and soon was the number three seller
of cast iron skillets in the great state of Georgia. And for that boy? That
boy grew up to be president.

So now you can see I am familiar with the merchandise I speak of. While I do
not understand the machinations of this skillet and hat scheme, I do know
that if you purchase the said game Left 4 Dead 2, it will reward you with a
free hat from my friend Ellis and a handy skillet to fry yours or more
importantly your enemy's bacon. These items all manifest themselves in some
infernal game called TeamFortress2 which I have no understandin' of but my
good friends what I do know is these items know no class, color, weight or
gender. They work for all peoples.

Now if I could get a hat and a skillet for $6.80 — I would own a new hat and
skillet. At that price, I implore of you, if you see a hatless or skilletless
friend, buy them one.

If I was not bound by certain contracts and gentlemen agreements, I would be
buyin' every hat and skillet I could afford. I would be leveraging myself to
the gills to purchase enough hats and skillets so that I could corner the
ever present, ever important, ever expanding hat and skillet market.

People, this is no time to be savin', this is a time to be procurin'!

With that, I thank you kindly for your time and your purchases.

*Current L4D2 owners will see the items appear over the next few days.



Tags: Steam

All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-10-11T04:37
他說可以 for those of you who currently own 那一句

The Mann-Conomy Update

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-10-07T01:21
※ 引述《YukiPhoenix (雪‧鳳凰)》之銘言: : 官方部落格的網頁 : : FAQ : : 懶得翻譯了 : 總之簡單一句話就是 : ...

IEM5 歐洲杯即將開打

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-10-07T00:32
比賽真是一波接著一波 而這次IEM5更是大手筆的廣招隊伍參加 以下是分組名單;eventid=664 fnatic SK LIONS RAGE mTw Naand#39;Vi FX MYM forZe Full-Gaming mouz ...

徵Plantronics Audio355 耳麥 須有保固

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-10-06T22:35
因朋友想加入CS 想徵一隻Plantronics Audio355 需有保固 約700~800徵求(依品相) - ...

惡靈勢力 1、2最新下載內容將於10月5日 …

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-10-06T19:20
關於L4D2新的兩個地圖 我玩的時候ZOEY和TANK這兩個都變成透明人... ZOEY可以看到她背上的急救包還有pill以及槍 TANK則是完全隱形... 其他的地圖都不會就只有新的兩個地圖有這種情形T.T 我L4D2 ADD-ON SUPPORT有下載完全耶... 不知道各位有沒有這種情形 ...

惡靈勢力 1、2最新下載內容將於10月5日 …

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-10-06T13:59
※ 引述《TAKAHIRO (Healbot)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《boyosan (AOE)》之銘言: : : 新的DLCand#34;The Sacrificeand#34;的宣傳影片應該是還沒有人PO過 : : 有OP的話我自刪 : : ...