TF2, DOD:S and CS:S Beta Update Release - Steam

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-05-28T15:07

Table of Contents

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Source
Beta have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your
Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

 -Fixed the desktop resolution not appearing in the list of valid
   resolutions when using windowed-mode.

Server Browser
 -Fixed a crash caused by leaving the server browser open while playing.

 -Added client/server version check on client connect.
 -Fixed a crash caused by hitting ctrl-alt-del while playing.

Counter-Strike: Source Beta
 -Added sv_disablefreezecam cvar to turn off the freezecam on a server.
 -Added sv_nonemesis cvar to turn off domination/revenge on a server.
 -Added sv_nomvp cvar to turn off MVP stars on a server.
 -Added sv_nostats cvar to turn off stats on a server.
 -Added avatar images to the scoreboards.
 -Added stats report to scoreboard to show whether a server has stats
   enabled or not.
 -Fixed achievement tab so it now updates at the time you earn an
 -Fixed bug causing achievements to be listed as earned in July 2009.
 -Fixed issue where you couldn’t chat during intermission.
 -Fixed player stutter while moving in water.
 -Fixed player stutter when running into other players.
 -Fixed issue that caused footsteps to play when walking.
 -Fixed miscellaneous consistency, spelling and grammatical errors in the
   string tables.
 -Fixed grenade velocity problems.
 -Updated a few audio effects.
 -Updated scoreboard
  -Changed layout to make it more readable.
  -Changed scoreboard opacity to make the action behind it more readable.
  -Supports Unicode and lowercase letters.
  -Grayed out the names of dead players.

Team Fortress 2
 -Added community submitted deathnotice icons for the community submitted
 -Changed the deathnotice text color to use black instead of white when the
   local player is involved.
 -Fixed domination/revenge messages not using team colors for the player
 -Fixed an issue where sequences with an activity weight of 0 never get
 -Updated Koth_Nucleus:
  -Changed side spawn exits to prevent sniping from inside the spawn door.
  -Fixed graphical glitch on platform floor.
  -Fixed blue-colored models in RED area.
 -Updated Tc_Hydro:
  -Added respawn time advantages when a team begins to cap any point.
    Resets when the cap progress resets.
  -Fixed various nobuild and playerclip issues reported by the community.
  -Removed logic that reduced spawn times based on roundtime.

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-06-01T10:47


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-05-27T22:48
小弟在這陣子買了亞立田U584這支耳麥 據說是7.1聲道的 然而灌好驅動之後 裡面有and#34;系統音源and#34;與and#34;類比輸出and#34; 我把系統音源設定8CH,類比輸出設定7.1聲道 然後進入CSS之後在聲音設定該設定and#34;耳機and#34;或and#34;7.1聲道 ...

*=台灣=* | 喪屍伺服器 - [彈藥包銀行]

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-05-27T20:34
伺服器名稱:*=台灣=* | 殭屍伺服器 - [彈藥包銀行] IP: 若搜尋不到,在遊戲選單那邊按and#34;~and#34;鍵打開consol指令台 輸入:connect 伺服器的彈藥包銀行,是用每個人的and#34;I ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-05-27T18:39
這週六和日下午一點左右 TW-Mod歡迎你來玩Pirates,Vikings,and Knights 2(PVKII)或維京海盜騎士大亂鬥 活動伺服器IP 載點: 按此進入Stea ...

Half Life 2, Half Life 2 EP1出任務啦

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-05-27T11:43
Half Life 2還有Half Life 2 EP1也推出了成就可以解啦 目前看到的是: Half Life 2 33個 Half Life 2 EP1 13個 這樣應該可以讓許多人有重玩的動力吧XD (唱歌的弗地剛人?) - ...

MYM陣容再傳調整 瑞典單兵狂人齊聚一堂

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-05-27T11:07 has learned that Meet Your Makers are close to adding Andre and#34;BARBARRand#34; Möller ...