Tekken 7 patch version 1.03 has been . - PS

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-07-05T20:08

Table of Contents

1.03的更新檔 非常有感 不到20秒就連到對手了


UPDATE 7/5/17 3:55 AM: Full patches notes have been provided on the
official Tekken website. Interestingly, nothing in it speaks to the
input lag issue. Perhaps it was fixed and left out of the notes on
purpose, as many Tekken gamers probably aren’t even aware of it
being an issue like most die-hards and competitive players.

As well, according to the Tekken Twitter, an update for Xbox1 and
Steam will drop this week.

Here they patch notes for PlayStation 4:

The Ver.1.03 patch includes some improvements and game design
modifications regarding the following topics observed in Ver.1.02.
This patch has been released for PS4 as of 05/07/2017. The following
are the PS4 patch notes. A further announcement will be made when
the patch is released for Xbox One and Steam.

Improved match makings in Online modes.
‧Now it takes less time to find an opponent in Online modes.
‧Improved usability in Player Match.

Now the game offers more opportunities for players to navigate through
the menu in Player Match sessions.
‧This change should allow players to leave sessions more easily.

Adjusted the restriction of the revenge match in Ranked Match.
‧Now players can have unlimited revenge matches with the same opponent
in Ranked Match.

Fixed a revenge match related issue.
‧Fixed an issue where an opponent’s character and name are sometimes
changed upon having revenge matches.

Made some sound volume adjustments in Jukebox
‧Adjusted the BGM volume in Jukebox for TEKKEN 1, TEKKEN 2, TEKKEN3
and TEKKEN4.

Made some color adjustments to certain Customization items.
‧This is to fix an issue where players can set certain color values
(Black) to certain items in a way that was not originally intended
by the dev.

Adjusted Leo’s Character Customization.
‧Fixed an issue where Leo’s upper body disappears when equipping
certain items.

Game design adjustments.
‧Adjusted some behaviors in the game regarding certain character’s
‧Fixed an issue where some characters’ throw moves don’t properly
reflect Rage state.

Source: Tekken

Tags: PS

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2017-07-06T01:07
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2017-07-07T08:15
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-07-08T11:08
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-07-08T23:53
喔不我記錯了 歹勢

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