Supermodel SVN r271 - 模擬器

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2013-12-01T22:39

Table of Contents

Some updates to Supermodel made at beginning of the year but only now got
around to checking in (better late than never...):
- hooked up the remaining controls in Supermodel (except for Magical Truck
Adventure which does not work at all yet). The new controls are:
* InputAnalogJoyTrigger2 and InputAnalogJoyEvent2 for the additional second
trigger and event buttons that were missing from Star Wars Trilogy,
* InputRearBrake and InputMusicSelect for the rear brake and music selection
buttons that were missing from Harley Davidson,
* InputAnalogGunXXX, InputAnalogTriggerXXX, InputAnalogGunXXX2 and
InputAnalogTriggerXXX2 for the analogue guns of Ocean Hunter and LA
Machineguns (NOTE: these controls must be calibrated in the games' service
menus otherwise they will not work properly. Also, the alignment of the gun
cursor does not line up very well with the mouse position at the moment, but
at least the games are a bit more playable now, although still with numerous
graphical glitches...)
* InputSkiXXX for the controls of Ski Champ, making the game playable now.
- hooked up existing InputViewChange control to Harley Davidson's view change
- improved the handling of InputGearShiftUp/Down inputs so that they work
better with the driving games. With Dirt Devils, ECA, Harley and LeMans this
means they map directly to the game's own shift up/down controls, while with
the 4-speed games such as Daytona 2, Scud Racer and Sega Rally 2, they
simulate the user shifting up and down through the gears
- added defaults for the new controls to Supermodel.ini
- other small code tweaks:
* fix small bug with handling of pos/neg inputs mapping to a control with
inverted range (0XFF to 0x00) - this was needed to get Ski Champ's X-axis to
work properly
* removed Wait method from InputSystem and added to CThread as CThread::Sleep
* added FrameTimings struct to hold all frame timings in a single place
No networking code yet as just haven't had a chance to work on it since
initial progress at the beginning of the year - am *hoping* might have some
time to pick it up again over Christmas...


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