Storm 回答 8.8 二測的問題 - War Game

By Frederic
at 2013-08-30T02:13
at 2013-08-30T02:13
Table of Contents
For 8.8
8.8 資訊
- Superpershing: the strip of improved upper hull armor was made two times
wider (in accordance with the visual model)
超潘: 為了配合視覺模型,首上裝甲的上的長條(?)變寬兩倍
- E-75 bad and medium terrain passability was significantly improved
E-75 在惡地與普通地形上的適性提升很多
- the ammo sliders were returned to the way they were before for now, the new
variant will be implemented later with other fixes (most likely with the
possibility to lock the respective types of shells)
- there will be a surprise concerning the global rating, a special article on
that will be prepared
- the British blue stripe camo will return to the way it was before
8.7 以前的:

Not for 8.8
非 8.8 資訊
- there is still a heated internal debate whether the KV-1S will lose the
122mm or not
部門內部還在為了 KV-1S 會不會失去 122 砲激烈爭辯中
- Object 140 turret armor will be reworked (it will resemble the T-62A turret
more), but not now – somewhere around patch 0.9.0, as there will be
additional testing needed after such rework
Obj. 140 砲塔裝甲會重做(會更像 T-62A 的砲塔),不過不是現在弄,大概會在 9.0
- the Historical battles concept is mostly ready and it now waits for
documentation and implementation. It was finally decided how we will do it.
When? “When it’s done, it’s done”, as usual.
Storm answers questions in comments:
Storm 回答一些問題:
- Foch 155 will be rebalanced, this year
Foch 155 今年會重新平衡
- Object 268 will generally not be touched
Obj. 268不會動到
- the “discussion” about KV-1S gun is “SerB against everyone”
目前 "討論" KV-1S 122 砲去留的立場是 "SerB vs. 所有人"
- the rating “surprise” will be “some changes in rating logic” (SS: later
on, Storm mentioned twinks in such a context that my guess (!!!) is that it
will be something to make twinks/sealclubbers/pedobears (whichever term you
prefer) not have a good rating, in later comment another developer does
mention “Seaclubbers running away, yes. Just as planned”)
排名的 "驚喜" 會是 "更動一些排名的邏輯" (SS: Storm 提到可能會改成讓那些 "虐
菜洗戰績" 的人排名很差)
- Storm confirms that the new rating will take amount of battles into account
Storm 確定新的排名會考慮進戰鬥場數
- the Object 140 turret will not be identical to T-62A turret, but it will be
“brought closer” to it, the turret roof will still be 30mm, as it was on
Object 907 and Object 430, clearance might be a bit higher
Obj. 140 砲塔不會和 T-62A 的一模一樣,不過會變得 "很像"。砲塔頂部的裝甲仍然
會和 Obj. 907 和 Obj. 430一樣是 30mm (?)
- Storm on kill marks on tanks: “Every nation did it differently. It’s
pretty hard to make. Either will either be historical and hard to see, or
unhistorical and easy to see. Both options are bad.”
Storm 對於車輛上擊殺標誌的回答:
- 7/42 will come soon, when it comes out, it will be without skill MM however
7/42 很快會引入,加進來的時候不會有技術分房
- currently supertested are the Kharkov and Minsk maps, there will be new
city maps in random
目前在超測的地圖是 Kharkov 和 Minsk,同時隨機戰鬥中會有張新的城市地圖
- apparently, this area of Kharkov will be turned into a map:
很明顯的 Kharkov 的這個部分會被改成某一張地圖:

- apart from Minsk and Kharkov, Stalingrad will also be implemented
除了 Minsk 和 Kharkov,也會做 Stalingrad
- the blue British stripe camo will return, because the historical version
turned out to be too ugly. There will be both variants implemented: the new
and the old one, so there are no issues with compensations
- there is still not enough info on the tier 9 Soviet Kharkov medium tank,
there will be people going to Kharkov to collect more evidence
蘇聯 Kharkov 中坦線的 T9 車資料還不夠,有人會去 Kharkov 找更多的資料
- in 8.8, Superpershing will also have its turret rotation and gun aim spread
(accuracy) changed allegedly (SS: we’ll have to wait for test 2 changes),
and that’s all – no more changes to SP after 8.8
聽說 8.8 超潘也會改砲塔旋轉和準度 (SS: 要等二測改的東西),除了這些超潘 8.8
- the rating article mentioned above will come before the patch, or with it
- new aim reticle (dot) and reload timer will come out in 8.9
8.9 會加入新的準星(一個點)和填彈計時器
- Storm states that bigger maps are not important for players, they only seem
interesting. According to tests, the gameplay on bigger maps is not as good
as people imagine.
Storm 表示大張一點的地圖對玩家來說不是很重要,只是會覺得很有趣(?)。測試發現
- there is some FPS optimization in every patch
每次改版都會做些 FPS 最佳化
- the client physics is being developed, but it will have little influence on
gameplay, the game will only look nicer
All Comments

By Robert
at 2013-08-30T16:19
at 2013-08-30T16:19

By Wallis
at 2013-09-02T21:35
at 2013-09-02T21:35

By Genevieve
at 2013-09-06T03:43
at 2013-09-06T03:43

By Puput
at 2013-09-08T09:39
at 2013-09-08T09:39

By Belly
at 2013-09-10T13:18
at 2013-09-10T13:18

By Jacky
at 2013-09-15T07:53
at 2013-09-15T07:53

By Margaret
at 2013-09-18T04:50
at 2013-09-18T04:50

By Christine
at 2013-09-19T19:09
at 2013-09-19T19:09

By Daniel
at 2013-09-23T23:39
at 2013-09-23T23:39

By Margaret
at 2013-09-28T06:59
at 2013-09-28T06:59

By Olive
at 2013-09-29T01:22
at 2013-09-29T01:22

By Queena
at 2013-09-29T08:19
at 2013-09-29T08:19

By Oscar
at 2013-09-29T17:38
at 2013-09-29T17:38

By Dora
at 2013-10-04T15:23
at 2013-10-04T15:23

By Olivia
at 2013-10-09T07:57
at 2013-10-09T07:57

By Jake
at 2013-10-10T14:23
at 2013-10-10T14:23

By Blanche
at 2013-10-12T06:10
at 2013-10-12T06:10

By Frederica
at 2013-10-16T23:27
at 2013-10-16T23:27

By Skylar Davis
at 2013-10-19T02:35
at 2013-10-19T02:35

By Regina
at 2013-10-19T15:02
at 2013-10-19T15:02

By Yuri
at 2013-10-23T13:45
at 2013-10-23T13:45

By Annie
at 2013-10-24T15:23
at 2013-10-24T15:23

By Hazel
at 2013-10-28T23:10
at 2013-10-28T23:10

By Sandy
at 2013-10-30T20:26
at 2013-10-30T20:26

By Sarah
at 2013-11-02T10:27
at 2013-11-02T10:27

By Heather
at 2013-11-07T04:21
at 2013-11-07T04:21

By Isla
at 2013-11-11T00:50
at 2013-11-11T00:50

By Delia
at 2013-11-14T03:35
at 2013-11-14T03:35

By Queena
at 2013-11-14T11:25
at 2013-11-14T11:25

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-11-16T19:23
at 2013-11-16T19:23

By Madame
at 2013-11-19T08:23
at 2013-11-19T08:23

By Connor
at 2013-11-21T13:15
at 2013-11-21T13:15

By Ivy
at 2013-11-24T20:37
at 2013-11-24T20:37

By Odelette
at 2013-11-25T09:48
at 2013-11-25T09:48

By Lauren
at 2013-11-28T07:59
at 2013-11-28T07:59

By Emily
at 2013-11-29T09:08
at 2013-11-29T09:08

By Connor
at 2013-11-29T22:10
at 2013-11-29T22:10

By Hedy
at 2013-12-04T17:34
at 2013-12-04T17:34

By Gary
at 2013-12-05T03:48
at 2013-12-05T03:48

By Queena
at 2013-12-09T07:24
at 2013-12-09T07:24

By Isabella
at 2013-12-10T00:14
at 2013-12-10T00:14

By Poppy
at 2013-12-13T06:32
at 2013-12-13T06:32

By Donna
at 2013-12-16T13:14
at 2013-12-16T13:14

By Hedwig
at 2013-12-18T14:50
at 2013-12-18T14:50

By Frederica
at 2013-12-19T14:33
at 2013-12-19T14:33

By Olivia
at 2013-12-23T01:31
at 2013-12-23T01:31

By Hedwig
at 2013-12-24T16:41
at 2013-12-24T16:41

By Christine
at 2013-12-28T21:16
at 2013-12-28T21:16

By Oliver
at 2013-12-30T02:45
at 2013-12-30T02:45

By Tracy
at 2014-01-01T11:01
at 2014-01-01T11:01

By Doris
at 2014-01-03T18:45
at 2014-01-03T18:45

By Barb Cronin
at 2014-01-04T00:01
at 2014-01-04T00:01
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