Storm Q&A - War Game
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-12-08T22:19
at 2014-12-08T22:19
Table of Contents
這篇是 12/6 的文章,所以請搭配 12/5、6 Q&A 服用
我只是想翻個人任務相關的回答而已 wwww
- individual missions (I translated the name from Russian IBZ –
individualnye boyevye zadachi) were official renamed to “personal missions”
individual missions 更名為 personal missions
- Q: “personal missions are there not for your fun, but to make you play it
a longer!” A: “Yes, we’ll make you by force! By pointing submachine guns
at you!”
- Storm explains the presence of platoon requirements in personal missions: “
The name is personal missions, not individual. There are generally only a few
missions with platoon requirement. Platoons = socializing. A player who is
socializing plays significantly longer.”
Storm 解釋組排限制的存在意義:「這是個人任務,不是單人任務。基本上也只有少數
- it’s apparently not possible to move the names of tanks on the improved
minimap to the left from the icon, as it cause graphic glitches
- a render range rectangle was not implemented into the new map because it
will change to a circle relatively soon
- viewrange circle was not implemented because it exists as a mod anyway and
who really wants it can use a mod
- FV4005 characteristics are not final
FV4005 的數據還會改
- there is a serious (and common) bug on test server, where – after you quit
the battle – you see that battle’s minimap in the hangar (SS: and you can
watch how the battle is going in the hangar, actually I think it would be a
neat feature)
(測試服的 bug,略)
- Storm thinks that the platoon requirement for missions is final
Storm 認為任務的組排限制已是定稿
- Storm confirms that the Mittengard map is lowtier only (SS: why the hell
does it have an encounter mode then) and that Gost Town will not appear in
random battles
- Storm states that you don’t have to play artillery to complete the
personal missions
- Storm commenting about players raging that they have to platoon for the
personal missions: “Yea, it’s the righteous anger because in order to get
the reward, you will actually have to make some effort. Everyone just wants
free stuff.”
Storm 評論玩家怒反組排限制的情況:「要求他們為了獎賞而做些努力;對此憤恨不平還
- Q: “Forced socialization sucks!” A: “Tell that to the Blizzard guys.”
- Q: “Why can’t you make the missions pop in automatically, like
achievements?” A: “We don’t want to have players ‘getting the missions’
just so. In order to get the tank and other rewards, you will have to make a
certain effort. If you are too lazy to make the effort, you can continue
playing like you did without paying heed to the missions.”
- Storm states that WG doesn’t want to implement lighter and lighter tanks
without armor. It’s just that “choosing future branches is a complicated
Storm 表示不想做更輕的無裝甲戰車。因為「規劃未來的科技樹是個複雜的問題。」
- Storm confirms that the missions are not balanced yet
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
我只是想翻個人任務相關的回答而已 wwww
- individual missions (I translated the name from Russian IBZ –
individualnye boyevye zadachi) were official renamed to “personal missions”
individual missions 更名為 personal missions
- Q: “personal missions are there not for your fun, but to make you play it
a longer!” A: “Yes, we’ll make you by force! By pointing submachine guns
at you!”
- Storm explains the presence of platoon requirements in personal missions: “
The name is personal missions, not individual. There are generally only a few
missions with platoon requirement. Platoons = socializing. A player who is
socializing plays significantly longer.”
Storm 解釋組排限制的存在意義:「這是個人任務,不是單人任務。基本上也只有少數
- it’s apparently not possible to move the names of tanks on the improved
minimap to the left from the icon, as it cause graphic glitches
- a render range rectangle was not implemented into the new map because it
will change to a circle relatively soon
- viewrange circle was not implemented because it exists as a mod anyway and
who really wants it can use a mod
- FV4005 characteristics are not final
FV4005 的數據還會改
- there is a serious (and common) bug on test server, where – after you quit
the battle – you see that battle’s minimap in the hangar (SS: and you can
watch how the battle is going in the hangar, actually I think it would be a
neat feature)
(測試服的 bug,略)
- Storm thinks that the platoon requirement for missions is final
Storm 認為任務的組排限制已是定稿
- Storm confirms that the Mittengard map is lowtier only (SS: why the hell
does it have an encounter mode then) and that Gost Town will not appear in
random battles
- Storm states that you don’t have to play artillery to complete the
personal missions
- Storm commenting about players raging that they have to platoon for the
personal missions: “Yea, it’s the righteous anger because in order to get
the reward, you will actually have to make some effort. Everyone just wants
free stuff.”
Storm 評論玩家怒反組排限制的情況:「要求他們為了獎賞而做些努力;對此憤恨不平還
- Q: “Forced socialization sucks!” A: “Tell that to the Blizzard guys.”
- Q: “Why can’t you make the missions pop in automatically, like
achievements?” A: “We don’t want to have players ‘getting the missions’
just so. In order to get the tank and other rewards, you will have to make a
certain effort. If you are too lazy to make the effort, you can continue
playing like you did without paying heed to the missions.”
- Storm states that WG doesn’t want to implement lighter and lighter tanks
without armor. It’s just that “choosing future branches is a complicated
Storm 表示不想做更輕的無裝甲戰車。因為「規劃未來的科技樹是個複雜的問題。」
- Storm confirms that the missions are not balanced yet
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
All Comments
By Odelette
at 2014-12-09T03:38
at 2014-12-09T03:38
By Sarah
at 2014-12-12T08:14
at 2014-12-12T08:14
By Lucy
at 2014-12-16T07:47
at 2014-12-16T07:47
By Caroline
at 2014-12-19T07:26
at 2014-12-19T07:26
By Thomas
at 2014-12-20T23:40
at 2014-12-20T23:40
By Vanessa
at 2014-12-24T16:03
at 2014-12-24T16:03
By Madame
at 2014-12-29T03:31
at 2014-12-29T03:31
By Michael
at 2015-01-02T21:50
at 2015-01-02T21:50
By William
at 2015-01-04T19:58
at 2015-01-04T19:58
By Zora
at 2015-01-06T19:11
at 2015-01-06T19:11
By Vanessa
at 2015-01-08T10:43
at 2015-01-08T10:43
By Eartha
at 2015-01-10T11:17
at 2015-01-10T11:17
By Oliver
at 2015-01-13T01:51
at 2015-01-13T01:51
By Adele
at 2015-01-14T10:55
at 2015-01-14T10:55
By Frederic
at 2015-01-18T09:48
at 2015-01-18T09:48
By Michael
at 2015-01-21T11:22
at 2015-01-21T11:22
By Mary
at 2015-01-23T01:52
at 2015-01-23T01:52
By Poppy
at 2015-01-23T21:05
at 2015-01-23T21:05
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