SToid v1.5 - 模擬器

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-01-30T18:34

Table of Contents

SToid contain many features like:

Support for many disk image format like .st, .msa, .stt or zip file
containing one of those 3 formats.
- Full CPU Motorola 68000 processor emulation (trace and prefetch included)
- Complete AYG8910 sound processor emulation, and samples emulation
- Very high compatibility
- Auto fire
- Automatic Save and load
- Realtime savestate and loadstate
- Onscreen Pads
- Dynamic onscreen pad positionning and resizing
(very usefull to place and size PAD regarding differents screen size of all
Android devices)
- Dynamic landscape screen positioning and resizing.
(Very usefull too like Pads...size and place the screen where you want)
- Color and Monochrome monitors emulation

SToid v1.5 changes:
- Fixed immediate crash on somes devices.


All Comments


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-01-30T18:28
我在網路上有找到一篇測試文章 我CPU是E8400 顯卡是8800GTS XPSP3 應該都跟這測試文章相當 模擬器版本是3.5 X86穩定版 測試文章中要開的AlternateRFI、BlockMergi ...

官方認證的Final Fantasy超級粉絲

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-01-30T16:39 大家支持自己喜歡的遊戲,應該都是認真玩透透、買買相關周邊吧?SQUARE ENIX為了紀 念Final Fantasy 25周年,去年底舉辦了「FINAL FANTASY SUPER FAN」活動,讓大家投 票選出覺得最有誠意的FF超級粉絲,而 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-01-30T15:43
我用dolphin模擬器玩WII 可是XBOX360手把很多遊戲讀不到 那假如我買wii不是體感的手把 接藍芽 那可以玩嗎 還是一定要買有體感的手把 才能用real willmote 還請知道詳情的各位大大 不吝指教了 謝謝 - ...

PPSSPP 0.6.1

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-01-30T11:01 January 29, 2012: 0.6.1 - Snapdragon Conquered - JIT now works on all ARM Android devices Yeah, so I found the bug. Turns out ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-01-30T00:26
想問的是神奇寶貝黃版, 使用的模擬器是VBALink 1.72LSEB, 有先爬過文了,可是試過還是沒辦法單機通訊連線。 想請問是因為版本的問題嗎?我是用黃版跟黃版連線, 或是設定上有其他問題?還是需要下載其他東西?! 麻煩板友教學一下,感謝!!! -- 當我們在路上偶遇,妳想聽 ...