(SS) Yaba Sanshiro v2.3.1 - 模擬器

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-01-23T11:51

Table of Contents


Formerly called UoYabause, YabaSanshiro is a version based on Yabause (Saturn
emulator) maintained by Devmiyax (Japanese developer).

Devmiyax had proposed several patches for the official branch then nothing
for many months until the arrival of YabaSanshiro on the scene of the Saturn
emulation for the Android system and on which this Windows version is based.
The emulator is almost equal with SSF (moreover some spend better on Yabause)
making the two emulators complementary.

- Saturn Emulation: Advanced Geo Variable: Fixed a crash problem after
selecting the character.

- Saturn Emulation: Blam Machinehead: Fixed a display problem in the game
with the SH2 interpreter.

- Saturn emulation: Grandia: this game should now be playable without any

- Saturn emulation: Mortal Kombat: fixed a problem with the option to match
the window.

- Saturn Emulation: Scorcher: Fixed a background problem in the game.

- Saturn emulation: Space Harrier: regression correction on this game.

You can check the compatibility list with UoYabause games on the Uoyabause
Tradu-France Wiki. The advantage of the Wiki is that everyone can participate
in the list.





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遊戲音樂分享 SEGA:Herzog Zwei

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2019-01-22T06:59
蠻好聽的...聽聽看吧,聽完您可能會愛上這遊戲。 https://mega.nz/#!yc8VWKQL!byuAyhqVrRxVkULeSkdSD8k_6USOgsotDtTZzZyT4Is 再提供下線上聽曲的連結,您有兩個選擇,下載檔案離線聽或是手機線上聽。 https://downloads.k ...

手機POCO F1 運行PPSSPP測試 28個PSP遊戲

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-01-22T00:30
有興趣的可以參考一下 28 PSP Games PPSSPP 60 FPS Full Speed! Pocophone F1 Gaming test 2019 https://youtu.be/y0Z2G7fqeeY POCO F1 是用高通s845的手機,目前來講屬於Android旗艦性 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2019-01-21T19:06
※ 引述《g112 (g112)》之銘言: : 如題,最近整理舊檔案後重溫起FF8,但發現不管哪款模擬器(eps或pcxr) : 只要用硬解,在史克威爾出現,開頭幻燈片(開始選單前燈燈燈的那段)以及換片提示 : 出現時,fps都會變得非常低(最高到30),雖然說開frame skip可以解決(但一直開者的話 ...

Fangame MS5E: Metal Slug 5 Elite

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-01-21T13:03
https://youtu.be/NofoK1Pvb_4 MS5E: Metal Slug 5 Elite Demo v2.0.1 Launch DOWNLOAD IT HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dgpIPH12NoahWtKowUgg-wXT ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2019-01-21T10:16
hi 大家好, 請教一下PFBA最新版本是2.0嗎? ROM的版本需要如何搭配呢? 不懂為什麼它為什麼認不到ROM, (CPS3的, 在PC上可以認到) 或著是有辦法對ROM修改成PFBA可以使用的呢? 另一個問題是有些STG居然只能跑30FPS, 請問有辦法提升到60FPS嗎? 謝謝幫忙.. - ...