(SS) Nova v0.1.9 - 模擬器

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-03-27T18:41

Table of Contents


Created by Steve Kwok in just one year (!), This emulator from Sega Saturn
called Nova is able to run several commercial games, but it is still in its
infancy. Nova is written in C ++ 11, and aims to reach the same level as
other home console emulators.

Nova was therefore written from scratch and in ONE YEAR ONLY, but his writing
is inseparable from the research and contribution of many authors of

Nova does not currently support games from the CD-ROM drive, but instead
reads the following CD image formats: .cue, .mds, .ccd, .bin.

- SH2: Added read byte access of TIER register of FRT(3D Lemmings (E))
- SCU: Refactored INTC
- SCU: Made DSP and DMAC as separated excutable devices
- SCU: Supported irregular(Transfer address is not aligned or transfer count
is an odd number) DMA transfers
- SCU: Implemented better timing for DMA transfers
- SCU: Implemented better synchronization mechanism for DMAC
- SCU: Implemented caching of DMA triggers
- SCU: Implemented priority for the three DMA levels
- SCU: Implemented all status(Access, Interruption, Standby, Operation) of
DMA transfers
- SCU: Implemented Force-Stop of DMA transfers
- SCU: Implemented handling for illegal DMA
- SCU: Implemented handling for the Status of Stopped DMA registers
- SCU: Added handling for DSTA register
- SCU: Added "Cool-down" time for interrupted/Force-Stopped DMA transfers
- SCU: Added restrictions for register access

- VDP1: Added restrictions for register access
- VDP2: Fixed the VBLANK bit of TVSTAT register

- CDB: Refactored handling of DATATRNS register
- CDB: Added byte access of DATATRNS register(Steam Hearts via SCU DMA)

- SYSTEM: Added checking for accessing device registers from slave SH2

- MISC: Refined regular expressions of the CUE parser
- MISC: Fixed regular expression bugs of the INI parser





All Comments


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-03-27T10:43
※ 引述《wenen (天空騎士---湛藍羽翼)》之銘言: : 超級模擬神器登場啦~~~~ : 將將將將,就是PS3 : PS3改造手冊《一》:安裝非官方韌體,玩遍例代PS遊戲與懷舊模擬器 : https://www.techbang.com/posts/56630 : 現在安裝非官方韌體之後,就可以在在PS ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-03-26T20:34
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 復活! 天魔大王 https://imgur.com/j6mv1sq.jpg https://imgur.com/8p7irOY.jpg https://imgur.com/I4xuj2z.jpg 本作是1993年萬代發售的ACT 是漫畫鬼太郎的キャラgame 是唯一在超任上發售的鬼太郎卡 ...

Orbital WIP (PS4模擬器)

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-03-26T10:42
https://github.com/AlexAltea/orbital https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GlPP7RxPIQ Orbital is a Virtualization-based PlayStation 4 emulator. This project i ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-03-24T23:48
スーパービックリマン https://imgur.com/pV8qLo6.jpg https://imgur.com/oqqKHjf.jpg https://imgur.com/h0vQaML.jpg https://imgur.com/QyI7NNq.jpg 本作是1993年BEC發售的FTG BEC也 ...

有沒有人嘗試過使用chromecast ?

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-03-24T20:24
想問個問題,有沒有人嘗試過使用chromecast玩模擬器的? 會有時間差嗎?例如手把已經按按鍵跳耀,電視上的馬利歐大概要過0.1-0.3秒才跳。 會有這個問題嗎? == 有點想買chromecast 來搭配NB接手把,弄些紅白機遊戲給小朋友玩。 - ...