(SS) Kronos v1.6.0 - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-01-02T11:35

Table of Contents


Here is a version of UoYabause taken over by François and renamed Kronos.
This is the "ultimate" version that brings all ports together.

For the story, Yabause was created by Guillaume Duhamel and Théo Barkau.
Following this came grafted Demiyax who created his own fork with UoYabause.
Devmiyax has allowed Yabause to go through important steps in the emulation
of the Saturn with many corrections (graphics, audio, features) but over time
the author, who renamed his fork in Yaba Sanshiro, put more on the version
android (and new features) than on Windows.

The fork of Francis tries to reconcile all the branches by taking the best of
Yabause and Yaba Sanshiro (formerly uoYabause), but by improving the port
Windows / Linux. The result as well in terms of compatibility as
functionality is without appeal: it is the best version (of Yabause) to use
if you are on Windows or Linux.

For the beginning of 2019, I propose you a new version of this very good
emulator Sega Saturn / STV created by François and based on Yabause / Yaba
Sanshiro. In addition to the correction of video filters (there are still
some small problems), François to work on the integration of OpenGL 4.2 in
addition to various fixes and varied. I am also happy that in 2 months,
Kronos has been telechager more than 2000 times. Kronos is also available on
Retroarch, maintained by Barbudreadmon.

Also find the compatibility list for Kronos at the bottom of the page (0-9 to
L). For all requests, bugs or regression here is the link to fill a ticket:
Kronos (heading Issues). I also opened a forum if you want to ask questions
or others.

Here are the novelties:

- Features: Migration to OpenGL Core 4.2 for better desktop compatibility and
tessellation support on all recent maps.
- Miscellaneous: fix problems with internal backups (Dragon Panzer, Story Of
Thor and others) (Barbudreadmon).
- Miscellaneous: new icon for Kronos.exe (François Care).
- Miscellaneous: Correction of the filters (François Care).
- Miscellaneous: Correction of the counter of FPS (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Advanced World War Sennen Teikoku No Koubou: Last of the
Millennium: correction of a problem of line on the book (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: AI Igo: correction of a missing line on the board (Franç
ois Care).
- Saturn emulation: Beach De Rich: correction of a problem of transparency
with the dialogues (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Defcon 5: correction of the display of the missing walls
(François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers & Round - Otameshi-You
(Demo): correction of the missing video (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna - Mika Akitaka Illust Works:
correction of the display on the press start screen (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Hi Octane: correction of the ships which was not
displayed (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Ippatsu Gyakuten - Gambling King E No Michi: correction
of a display problem on the dialog (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: J. B. Harold - Blue Chicago Blues: correction of a
problem of transparency on the menu (François Care).
- Saturn Emulation: Joshikousei no Houkago. Pukunpa: correction of the
missing background under the portraits (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Langrisser I & II (Dramatic Edition): correction of a
white rectangle on the menu (François Care).
- Saturn emulation: Scorcher: correction of the line in the pause menu (Franç
ois Care).
- Saturn emulation: Magical Night Dreams - Cotton 2: correction of the
missing cliffs in the game (François Care).
- STV emulation: Guardian Force: correction of a background problem in the
game (François Care).
- Translation: Add multiple channels (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Translation: Update of the French translation (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Translation: Translation of the Spanish version (LuismaSP89).

Foreign users: Here the changelog in english.I made an english forum to ask
your questions or others stuff. Use the forum if you want to translate Kronos
with your own language. You can see the changelog in english too.

Important : We need a windows developper to help with fixing the windows port
(STV games). Contact us if you’re interested.





All Comments

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By Heather
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