(SS) Kronos v1.4.5 - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-09-18T09:18

Table of Contents


Here is a version of UoYabause taken over by François and renamed Kronos.
This is the "ultimate" version that brings all ports together.

For the story, Yabause was created by Guillaume Duhamel and Théo Barkau.
Following this came grafted Demiyax who created his own fork with UoYabause.
Devmiyax has allowed Yabause to go through important steps in the emulation
of the Saturn with many corrections (graphics, audio, features) but over time
the author, who renamed his fork in Yaba Sanshiro, put more on the version
android (and new features) than on Windows.

The fork of Francis tries to reconcile all the branches by taking the best of
Yabause and Yaba Sanshiro (formerly uoYabause), but by improving the port
Windows / Linux. The result as well in terms of compatibility as
functionality is without appeal: it is the best version (of Yabause) to use
if you are on Windows or Linux.


- New version of this very good emulator Sega Saturn created by François
Caron. In addition to graphics fixes, ST-V games now work under Linux and
Windows. I created the file News.txt for the new features of the version, a
Comparison Chart that allows you to see the differences between Yabause,
Yaba Sanshiro and Kronos and the Kronos Readme file with information about
how the emulator works. For all requests, bugs or regression here is the
link to fill a ticket: Kronos (heading Issues). I also opened a forum if
you want to ask questions or others.

Here are the novelties:

- Saturn emulation: Bug: correction of a start blocking. Black screen after
the introductory video (Devmiyax).
- Saturn emulation: Fang: correction of a blocking at startup. The game is
now playable (Devmiyax).
- Saturn emulation: Emit Vol.1: correction of a start blocking. The game is
almost playable. You must quickly press the Start key otherwise the game
reboot (Devmiyax).
- Saturn emulation: Gex: correction of a start blocking. The game is now
playable (Devmiyax).
- Saturn emulation: Idol Janshi Suchie: correction of a blocking at startup.
The game is now playable (Devmiyax).
- Saturn emulation: Mr Bones: correction of big graphic problem in the game.
The game is now playable (Devmiyax).
- Saturn Emulation: Virtua Fighter Kids: Fixed a blocking at startup. The
game is playable info and this for the first time since Yabause exist
- Saturn Emulation: UEFA Euro 96: Fixed a blocking at startup. The game is
now playable for the first time (François).
- Saturn emulation: Virtual Hydlide: fixed a freeze. The game is now playable
- Saturn emulation: Xmen Vs Street Fighter: The game is now playable
- ST-V: Fixed ST-V emulation. She was disabled (François).
- ST-V: Added the game Virtual Mahjong. Various fixes. Some games are
playable or can start. (Benjamin Siskoo)
- Miscellaneous: Correction of the layers in the menu of the emulator (Franç
- Miscellaneous: Update Kronos file Read Me.html (ST-V compatibility). Update
of the Comparison Table.html (Benjamin Siskoo).

Foreign users:

- Here the changelog in english.I made an english forum to ask your questions
or others stuff. Use the forum if you want to translate Kronos with your own
language. You can see the changelog in english too.


- We need a windows developer (STV games). Contact us if you're interested.





All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-09-20T11:04


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-09-16T20:54
今天偶然在網路上查到有~ 曙光格鬥天書這電子檔 目前最新是0.26版,但是我無法下載繁體中文的版本 然後花了很長時間,才下載完簡體版, 但是一打開卻又是亂碼,無法觀看....... 這是0.26版的網頁,供各位分析 http://f.ppxclub.com/684107-1-1 另外有看到0.26α版 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-09-16T20:07
メタルマックス2 https://imgur.com/gtJEpdp.jpg https://imgur.com/yx6RdPe.jpg 本作是1993年Data East發售的RPG 這個俗稱MM系列算是蠻有名的,是該廠的RPG代表作 當年在遊戲雜誌常常看到它的介紹(或秘技...) 台灣翻譯為坦克戰記 ...

Polymega公開預購價 新增支援Saturn

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-09-16T07:51
POLYMEGA官方前兩天放了三個SATURN遊玩的影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHyDVMJs3xA 25分SATURN遊戲影片 守護者列傳 SEGA RALLY 飛龍騎士2 Fighters Megamix Dandamp;D地獄神龍 死之館 https:// ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-09-15T23:28
這個也是童年經典之一的雙人玩好遊戲,無限循環但打發時間很方便。 難易度也是適中,也有裏關可以讓高手挑戰。 原文:バトルシティー 英文:Battle City 中文:坦克大戰 https://i.imgur.com/MkCvX0O.png ════════════════════════════════════ ...

CEMU 配備需求

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2018-09-15T20:59
大家好 我目前是用win7 (AMD X2-550[開4核] + 8G RAM +R9-270) 目前玩CEMU模擬器~玩不到5分鐘直接關機XDDD 這樣下去我看硬碟要爆光了 想來組個新的電腦算了 所以想問問大家玩CEMU穩60FPS的配備需求?(解析度1080P) - ...