SPU2ghz public beta 1.9r2 - 模擬器

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-06-12T13:02

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GAH people! I forgot to disable the stretcher debugging prints in the build.
I will release 1.9r2 without that print and MAYBE another fix, soon.

I uploaded beta 1.9 r2, which includes a EXPERIMENTAL mixer (yes a new one).
It might be too loud for some games, but should generally give more
approximate volumes, if I′m right.

Can you people try with games which used to be louder/quieter, and make none
of them is extremely quiet, or extremely loud (overflowing)? I′d ike if you
could help test this.


All Comments


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-06-12T01:16
遊戲平台: 任天堂的紅白機 內容陳述: 就裡頭會有108個英雄 他們吃飽沒事在一個大水坑集合在一起要殺中路的心歷路程 心得回憶: 每次都被老媽拗 要拿滿分考卷回來才可以看英雄殺中路 還有,電腦也笨笨的 每次我都放空城 然後讓高俅派大將來佔領 我在從旁邊領土包進去 這樣我就又可以抓到好 ...

Nestopia v1.40

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2008-06-11T22:32
http://nestopia.sourceforge.net/ June 11 2008 Version 1.40 released. What′s new: Shell Additions: * New cheat dialog features and improvements. * Autom ...

KiGB v2.05

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-06-11T22:30
http://kigb.emuunlim.com/ V2.05 (2008-6-11) ----- - New Feature: * Suppported MBC6 partially - no network update. Thanks Toshi. - New game supported: * Ne ...

最近轉檔不順 =.=

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-06-11T20:01
話說前陣子開始用酒精轉ss的片 前面幾年的片子都能成功轉成mdf (感動ㄚ,玩聖櫃之光中 ^^y ) 不過後面倒數幾張片子卻轉的不太順 ex:櫻花2完全不能轉檔 (跟我幾天前借同學的ps片一樣),總是and#34;讀取錯誤and#34;無法轉 ex:冒險奇譚andamp;深海驚魂...玩的時後偶而會a ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-06-11T19:43
推 conpo:推一下真‧女神轉生Ⅲ,狂熱版現在幾乎絕跡.....囧and#34;06/10 14:21 推 Celatic:推真女神轉生,我超愛的XD06/10 14:22 → gfneo:這系列一向是劇情深度滿分的作品06/10 14:23 推 EDGE:巴站女神版版主U大看到這篇應該可以寫一些推坑文招募 ...