snes9x1.51-re-recording r41 - 模擬器

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-03-29T22:02

Table of Contents

Fixed wrong default opacity of gui.text.
Fixed the crash on Lua external module use (thanks our hero nitsuja!)
Added gui.opacity, SHIFT, alternative names for certain methods.
Lua savestate register (nitsuja provided it, and I modified it a bit for
1.51 use, though I didn't test it at all) Today (12 hours ago) gochaism
r37 str2colour bugfix, gui.drawbox optimization. Removed (commented out) the
clipping code from gui.text.
Lua now uses the small font of Gens. Modified S9xLuaWriteInform to
handle bank mirroring (Thanks nitsuja for contributing these changes). |
Changed color order from "#aarrggbb" to "#rrggbbaa" (Gens compatible)
Added lua source codes to the project instead of linking to the static
library. Fixed some of "exit silently" behaviors.
Changed the location of lua directory
Enabled file manipulation on file browse dialog | Cut Win98 support off
again, because it brings some inconvenience.


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