Snes9x VR v1.53 - 模擬器

By Candice
at 2014-06-24T22:54
at 2014-06-24T22:54
Table of Contents
Maybe an example of too much time on my hands...
But, I added Oculus Rift support to the snes9x emulator.
Download Here: UPDATED
You can use the following keys in Rift mode:
Up/Down Arrow - Move closer/further from screen.
Left Arrow - Reset Sensor Fusion (ie forward direction)
Needs some code (like releasing objects), not comprehensively tested.
So I included the source code cause I don't plan to mess with it much.
How to Use:
Run snes9x.exe
Just Click on the menu Video->Oculus Rift <--You must have a Rift attached or
this will be disabled
*you may want to change the Display Configuration to set VSync
ALT+ENTER = Fullscreen
*You will have to find your own ROMS
Mod from bitskipper
See this Link for more Info:
insert-move forward
delete-move back
end- reset headtracking
pgup/pgdown - toggle detail levels (none, room, all, all+reflections)
Maybe an example of too much time on my hands...
But, I added Oculus Rift support to the snes9x emulator.
Download Here: UPDATED
You can use the following keys in Rift mode:
Up/Down Arrow - Move closer/further from screen.
Left Arrow - Reset Sensor Fusion (ie forward direction)
Needs some code (like releasing objects), not comprehensively tested.
So I included the source code cause I don't plan to mess with it much.
How to Use:
Run snes9x.exe
Just Click on the menu Video->Oculus Rift <--You must have a Rift attached or
this will be disabled
*you may want to change the Display Configuration to set VSync
ALT+ENTER = Fullscreen
*You will have to find your own ROMS
Mod from bitskipper
See this Link for more Info:
insert-move forward
delete-move back
end- reset headtracking
pgup/pgdown - toggle detail levels (none, room, all, all+reflections)
All Comments

By Kristin
at 2014-06-25T16:18
at 2014-06-25T16:18
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