Snes9x v1.43 improvement & v1.51+ improvement v2 - 模擬器

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-04-08T23:13

Table of Contents

Snes9x v1.51+ improvement v2 (beta 7)
- Win32: Improved joypad/background input around. (gocha)
- Win32: Added temporary solution for random sound desync. (gocha)

Snes9x v1.43 improvement (beta 10)

Newest changes in 1.43+ v12 (beta):

* Lua scripting
* Fixed bugs around input macro.
* Improved joypad/background input around.

Newest changes in 1.43+ v11:

Changes come from official 1.51 (emulation related):
* Changed to use pseudo-hi-res if $2133&8 is simply set.
It fixes water transparency issue of Kirby′s Dream Land 3.
Hope this change won′t cause any movie desyncs.
* Other slight fixes.

Changes come from official 1.51 (others):
* Now uses .cfg file instead of Windows registry, and
added some options that don′t exist in older version.
* Updated renderer and removed 8-bit rendering option.
* Cheat search improvements.
* Open ROM dialog bugfixes and speedup and facelift.
* Better directory management, customizeable.
* Changed default to truncate unnecessary input from movie.
* Added sound channel mute (using the same function as used in 1.51.
It′s different from Upthorn′s hack, actually).
* Other various improvements.

Other changes:
* Added a simple macro feature. Though it′s not very smart, it′s somewhat
The macro feature′s syntax is explained at: (sorry for my laziness...)
* Fixed hi-res and extended height avi output. It′s somewhat different from
Even if you started avi recording with hi-res scene, video width won′t be
Or you can record avi with double scale for hi-res title, if you want (see
config file).
* Added "Skip To Frame" option for movie playback from nitsujrehtona′s
* Changes for input ("Down Left" fix, "Turbo Down" fix, auto-fire for arrow
* "Snapshot inconsistent" detection. It′s slightly changed from 1.51.
* Changed for ROM name stored in movie to allow including katakana.
* Fixed full-screen switching bug (hopefully).
* Improved "Text in Image" option.
* Message loop fix for non-modal dialogs.
* Slight fix for conffile. Bye-bye numerous annoying exceptions on debug

Newest changes in 1.43+ v10:
* Minor changes for Wine

Newest changes in 1.43+ v9:
* Added save state support for DSP1 chip (pilotwings, mario kart)
* Added "memory watching" feature of up to 12 variables at once, click
"Watch" in the Cheat Finder
* Implemented automatic AVI splitting at every 2GB
* Got rid of the 2-frame delay after loading a savestate, it′s immediate now
(NOTE: image may not always display properly, but it′s fine most of the time
and for newly made savestates)
* Status message changes are immediate (note: if "use video memory" is on,
messages may mix, because it can′t be prevented in that mode without really
hurting performance)

Newest changes in 1.43+ v8:
* Fixed AVI output of Chrono Trigger.
* Added more autofire hotkeys

Newest changes in 1.43+ v7:
* Fixed the problem with input fields staying green when deselected.
* Added another page to the hotkeys menu filled with more hotkeys, so now
almost no keys are hardcoded anymore.
* Added proper key conflict detection, including between game buttons and
* Added more info to input config text message, repositioned some dialog
elements, removed controller toggle-mode checkbox, moved turbo/toggle keys
around to make more sense (you may have to reassign them if you have them set
from an older version).
* Fixed a bug (mine) that prevented Pocky & Rocky from working (it didn′t
seem to affect any other games).
* Fixed a bug (not mine) with the & symbol in the "recent roms" menu and
author info display.
* Made the Snes9x icon high-resolution so it doesn′t look quite as ugly.
(Just what everyone needed, right?)
* Made drop-down boxes that make no sense to type into un-editable.
* Added an accelerator shortcut to access the hotkeys menu, put "maintain
aspect ratio" and "use video memory" in the Window menu, removed fake
* Fixed problem with Escape not exiting the Display dialog box.
* Incorporated Nach′s updated JMA code.

Changes made before v7:
* Fixed the problem with input fields staying green when deselected.
* Added another page to the hotkeys menu filled with more hotkeys, so now
almost no keys are hardcoded anymore. (nitsuja)
* Added proper key conflict detection, including between game buttons and
hotkeys. (nitsuja)
* Added more info to input config text message, repositioned some dialog
elements, removed controller toggle-mode checkbox, moved turbo/toggle keys
around to make more sense (you may have to reassign them if you have them set
from an older version). (nitsuja)
* Fixed a bug (mine) that prevented Pocky & Rocky from working (it didn′t
seem to affect any other games). (nitsuja)
* Fixed a bug (not mine) with the & symbol in the "recent roms" menu and
author info display. (nitsuja)
* Made the Snes9x icon high-resolution so it doesn′t look quite as ugly.
(Just what everyone needed, right?) (nitsuja)
* Made drop-down boxes that make no sense to type into un-editable. (nitsuja)
* Added an accelerator shortcut to access the hotkeys menu, put "maintain
aspect ratio" and "use video memory" in the Window menu, removed fake
accelerators. (nitsuja)
* Fixed problem with Escape not exiting the Display dialog box. (nitsuja)

* Made "Pause When Inactive" an option in the Settings dialog, so you can
turn it off if you want Snes9x to keep playing games when it isn′t the
active window. If you also want sound to play while it′s inactive, you can
set Sound Driver to "FMOD DirectSound" in the Sound Settings menu. (nitsuja)

* Customizable hotkeys (nitsuja)
* The option to allow left+right and up+down to be pressed has been added.
* Option to display pressed input buttons (credit to Bisqwit)
* Removed 1-frame lag from the input that′s displayed. (nitsuja)
* Added ability to toggle a button on or lock it on autofire using modifiers
or a per-controller toggle switch. Very useful for getting around the maximum
limit of keys your keyboard lets you hold at once, and also for relieving you
from having to hold a button for extended periods of time.
* Fixed joypad dialog and added turbo buttons (nitsuja)
* Made "fast-forward" and "show input" customizable hotkeys, so input can now
be shown while playing, and made "save screenshot" a hotkey as well.
* Added alternate save state system (increment/decrement/save/load current
slot, as new hotkeys). (nitsuja)

* Made black bar at bottom of game optional (nitsuja)
* Added a display option to maintain correct aspect ratio. (nitsuja)
* Enabled the GUI option to use video memory and bilinear-filter any mode,
not just OpenGL

* Gave frame advance sound (optional) (nitsuja)

* Zelda desync bug fixed! (credit to FabianX)
* OotW/PoP2 sound desync bug fixed (Fake Mute desync workaround option)
(credit to Bisqwit)
* Terranigma desync bug fixed (incorporated into Fake Mute option) (nitsuja)
* Movie length limit fixed (credit to Bisqwit and DeHackEd)
* Movie play and record dialogs contain relevant sync-related emulator
options. (nitsuja)
* Added "Clear SRAM" option to recording dialog, so you can make sure you′re
starting from a totally clean state. (nitsuja)
* An option to switch between WIP and Final timing has been added, so you can
record for the version of your choice and play back either type of movie.
* Incorporated important sync settings being saved into movies upon record
and re-record, and loaded from them on playback. (Currently, you must click
Browse... and select the movie for it to load the sync settings.) This does
not interfere with official version compatibility going in either direction,
at least not with the 1.43 Final or WIP. (nitsuja)
* Changed it so left+right does not even get recorded into the movie if the
left+right option is not enabled. (Snes9x used to always record both
directions into the movie even when it ignored one of them.) (nitsuja)
* Changed default to read-only for playing movies, since more people seem to
prefer that being the default. (nitsuja)
* The ROM′s CRC32 and name are now stored in recorded movie files, and
displayed along with your current ROM upon loading. Old movies that are
modified using this version will have the new information inserted into the
movie using the current ROM. Backward compatibility is still maintained.
* Moved frame counter display to not overwrite other messages, changed
messages and message timings a bit. (nitsuja)

Movie Compatibility -- Because there is now an option to switch between
timing modes:
* This version can play all movies made with either the Final or the WIP,
with the right settings on.
* This version can make movies for either the Final or the WIP, whichever is

Known Issues / things to watch out for:
* If you do not record a movie with the WIP1 timing, you may get occasional
desyncs while recording, because this is how the official Snes9x 1.43 Final
version behaves.
* Some games (such as Terranigma) desync when you play them at too high a
speed (such as with fast-forward) due to unknown reasons.
* Some games (such as Super Bomberman 2 and Mortal Kombat II) require Volume
Height Envelope Reading to be OFF to record reliably.
* Some games (such as Nosferatu) still rely on specific sound settings (such
as a certain KHz rate, etc.) to play back reliably.
* Movies will still desync if you play them without letting the game emulate
for at least 10 seconds to "warm up" first.
* Turning on Left+Right/Up+Down may cause movies that were made without this
option to desync.
* If you turn on Left+Right/Up+Down, no *official* version of the Snes9x
emulator will be able to play back the movie that′s generated.
* If a movie of a game that was affected by the sound desync bug (such as Out
of this World) is recorded with this emulator, it can also be played back in
this version, but if you want to play it back with an official version you′
ll have to set the sound playback rate to when playing it.
* The input that is displayed is not updated between frames; you have to
advance at least one frame to see the new input you′re entering be
* Key conflict catching is not very comprehensive and can also catches things
that are no longer conflicts (in which case, just ignore the color).


All Comments


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-04-07T23:55
最近剛完這款遊戲 招式有分強跟弱 想請問的是要怎麼用出比較強的摔技呀 按了老半天都是弱的 而下面那天會變色的又代表什麼 懇請解答 謝謝~ - ...

問題 六三四之劍

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-04-07T23:16
請問有人破嗎? 我一直卡在第三關, 常常被從天而降的敵人殺死, 請問有沒有秘技啊! 謝謝! - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-04-07T20:05
※ 引述《liyon (耶耶耶 杰拉德)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《romado (藍綠無雙之中正廟攻防戰)》之銘言: : : 就是養一堆龍,還要餵東西,然後會亂進化的 : : 最後女主角跟人跑 : : 男主角變阿宅,照顧龍的 : : 女主角的客兄被民眾給掛掉 : : 的那個… : : 請問有全套攻略嗎? : ...

MAME Plus! 0.124u1a

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-04-07T18:14 disabled 68K ASM core [Emuman] [CPS1] fixed kludge 11 conflict [Creamymami] updated Simplified Chinese list [kof2112] fi ...

No$GBA 2.6a玩SD Gundam 存檔問題

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-04-07T17:58
各位版友 小弟剛下載了這個模擬器, 但在現SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive時候, 不能存檔, 請問應該如何做呢? 謝謝 - ...