(SNES) Zelda3 Parallel Worlds v1.0 - 模擬器

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-01-04T21:57

Table of Contents


Love it or hate it, you’ve probably heard of it. Parallel Worlds is by far
the most popular full-game hack of A Link to the Past released to date.
Today, in honor of the 10-year anniversary of its original release, the hack
has been updated to add several new gameplay mechanics, and to attempt to
address many of its long-standing issues.

Some of the new features include:

- Full CD-quality soundtrack via MSU-1 audio support
- Stun enemies by hitting them with your bare fist (no sword)
- Upgraded AST-Style Pegasus Boots
- Break pots and collect items with the sword
- Shovel is now usable, with random treasures
- Loading your game starts with full health instead of half
- Able to save the game at any time, no need to get the sword first
- Backtracking from the top of the Parallel Tower is possible (eliminates an
extra climb for the Kokiri Emerald)
- Bomb knockback no longer damages Link
- Additionally, many existing bugs were fixed:

Title screen graphical glitch on real hardware fixed

- You can collect both boomerangs
- You can collect the second Mushroom even with Magic Powder in your inventory
- Mothula has been fixed
- Game crashing door in Blind’s room has been closed
- Infinite scroll glitch outside Icy World Church has been blocked
- Impa’s Ways crystal glitch is fixed
- Various buggy interior doors fixed
- Various overworld exit coordinates fixed
- Palette glitch with the bunny sprite in the Parallel Tower fixed
- Hylian shield overworld palette improved (when stolen by Pikit)
- Various typos fixed

This update does not modify the dungeon designs, except very minor edits such
as the previously mentioned backtracking in the Parallel Tower. In the near
future, PuzzleDude’s Parallel Remodel will also be updated with these new
features, if that’s more to your liking. However, the new gameplay mechanics
make quite a significant difference to the difficulty curve, so if you have
tried the game before and found it to be too hard, you might find the new
update to be more reasonable in that regard.

ROM Information:

- Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past, The (NA) (1.0).sfc
CRC32: 777AAC2F
MD5: 608C22B8FF930C62DC2DE54BCD6EBA72
SHA-1: 6D4F10A8B10E10DBE624CB23CF03B88BB8252973
SHA-256: 66871D66BE19AD2C34C927D6B14CD8EB6FC3181965B6E517CB361F7316009CFB





All Comments

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-01-06T21:26


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-01-03T01:32
剛從日本回來 在秋葉原SOFMAP看了看決定買一套回來 因為買回來沒有卡帶感覺怪怪的 所以加買左邊的 https://images.plurk.com/4deoxQWkOqhBDQKVeO3F.jpg 左邊是SUPER POTATO的福袋 2000YEN 旁邊還有一袋5000YEN的買不下去 一邊結帳還看 ...

ios的App Store 小雞模擬器

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-01-02T17:26
剛剛下載了ios的App Store 的小雞模擬器, 但是能使用的遊戲只有五款, 目前有:忍者棒球、西遊釋厄傳、三國戰記、雙截龍、名將(上尉密令) 但是似乎跟App Store 上說明的能使用FC、GBA...模擬器的情況不同? 上網查的使用說明與介面也不太一樣, 完全無法使用各機種的模擬器呀~(吶喊) ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-01-02T00:13
不是你的就別碰 日人妻為買包變賣老公千卷任天堂卡帶 https://www.kocpc.com.tw/archives/125032 雖然已經發生過很多次了,但是似乎總是有人不以為意,對於很多人來講,收藏並不在於價值,而是在於他背後的意義。日前有一對日本夫妻,老婆瞞著老公把他收藏的一千多卷紅白機的卡帶全數賣 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2017-01-01T22:17
大家好 想請教一個問題 我的電腦是cpu是G1840 ram 4G 無顯卡 用內顯 玩ppsspp的時候很卡 FPS 30以下請問這是正常的嗎 有去GOOGLE PSP模擬器 硬體最低需求 看CPU是有過 不知道是不是無顯卡的問題 或者是能推薦硬體需求不高 的模擬器呢 謝謝!! - ...

MUGEN Hyper 七龍珠Z 魔人版本發佈

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-01-01T02:08
只新增一個角色... 比克 (其他繼續開發中) Hyper DBZ - Piccolo - Giant Demon (Finisher 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SO-EYMrgBA Hyper Dragon Ball Z - PICCOLO ...