(SNES) Snes9X v1.43 re-recording r69 - 模擬器

By Agatha
at 2009-04-10T11:26
at 2009-04-10T11:26
Table of Contents
r69 - added gui.getpixel, saved lua filename to config so reload
will work across sessions, added savestate.verify in debug
for catching/testing desyncs, minor script load dialog
r68 - Added a few of more members to savestate (btw, as far as I
tested, r66 fixes a frequent desync in Goemon 1&4 at least)
r67 - Changed Debug build setting due to issue 11. (IIRC, when I
applied that change before, there was a fatal trouble that
snes9x didn't emulate a ROM after loading it. But that
doesn't happened in this time. I don't know why, anyway I
commit the change for the time being.)
r66 - [HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL] Added some of members which are added
since 1.5x. I don't know whether these fix existing desync,
and I haven't tested the change enough. Anyway, I'd like to
investigate about existing desyncs I know when I have enough
time. (To developers: don't forget to clean your outputs
before you try tobuild)
r65 - [EXPERIMENTAL] Stored lagcounter things to the official
r64 - tried to fix issue 10
issue 10 - adelikat asked me to report this: if you hold down
the frame advance key and press a gamepad button,
it stops auto-advancing.
r63 - added "TV Width Pixels" video menu option, added scanline-free
"bright" versions of Blargg's NTSC filter, and fixed NTSC
filter modes showing garbage in the rightmost 1 pixel column
r62 - add gcc binary (for some asm files)
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
r69 - added gui.getpixel, saved lua filename to config so reload
will work across sessions, added savestate.verify in debug
for catching/testing desyncs, minor script load dialog
r68 - Added a few of more members to savestate (btw, as far as I
tested, r66 fixes a frequent desync in Goemon 1&4 at least)
r67 - Changed Debug build setting due to issue 11. (IIRC, when I
applied that change before, there was a fatal trouble that
snes9x didn't emulate a ROM after loading it. But that
doesn't happened in this time. I don't know why, anyway I
commit the change for the time being.)
r66 - [HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL] Added some of members which are added
since 1.5x. I don't know whether these fix existing desync,
and I haven't tested the change enough. Anyway, I'd like to
investigate about existing desyncs I know when I have enough
time. (To developers: don't forget to clean your outputs
before you try tobuild)
r65 - [EXPERIMENTAL] Stored lagcounter things to the official
r64 - tried to fix issue 10
issue 10 - adelikat asked me to report this: if you hold down
the frame advance key and press a gamepad button,
it stops auto-advancing.
r63 - added "TV Width Pixels" video menu option, added scanline-free
"bright" versions of Blargg's NTSC filter, and fixed NTSC
filter modes showing garbage in the rightmost 1 pixel column
r62 - add gcc binary (for some asm files)
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
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