(SMS/GG/SG/MK3 for XBox) MekaX v3 Fix - 模擬器

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2014-08-26T19:54

Table of Contents


MekaX is a Sega Master System/Game Gear/SG-1000/SC-3000/SF-7000/MK3 Emulator
for XBox.


this is a not a new release of mekax,but it seems that the original release
of this had some files missing. so this is the emulator with the missing
files included.

MekaX v3 is released. MekaX is a Sega Master System/Game
Gear/SG-1000/SC-3000/SF-7000/MK3 Emulator for XBox.

* Cheatcode support for the Game Gear (Game Genie, Pro Action Replay) and the
Sega Master System (Pro Action Replay) added. Just select the cheat code
file you want when searching the cheat code database.
* Given the full "Madmab Edition" treatment.
* New dual-preview skin to support Ressurection Xtra's. Say thank you to
Gilou9999 for the skin.
* "Auto Game Configurations (aka Configuration defaults)" added (see below
* Improved the screenshot, box/cart art, and movie streaming to make browsing
games a little smoother.
* Files within a zip now display sorted properly now.
* Fixed a couple goofs that prevented loading ROMS over a samba share.
* "Move Selected to the Garbage Folder?" now has a new option.. "Never Move".
So "Yes" will ask before moving the selected file to the Garbage folder. "No"
will just move the file and "Never Move" won't move the file at all.
* New feature "Seconds before playing movie" determines how long the emu will
wait before playing a movie. The default is half a second. This will help
speed up rom browsing. Especially useful for people streaming stuff (like
movies) across the network.
* Pick -1 on "Seconds before playing movie" to set to 0 seconds. 0 will equal
half a second.. 1 one second, and so on.
* If streaming movies from across the network and the user press on the dpad
or a, b, x or y the emulator will abort the transfer. This should help speed
up rom browsing and allow the user an "out" especially for the larger movies.
* User can now select which "cheat code database" they wan't to load since it
seemed silly to mix the many AR and GG codes into one file for Snes9xbox.
* Select file function now has an option to not display directories. First
menu to use this is the cheat code database select screen.
* Pressing the back key while viewing a games synopsis will toggle between a
fixed font and the skins proportional font.
* Fixed long standing bug of YesNo Menu pop-up graphic not centering properly.
* Fixed an issue with the software filters displaying garbage.
* Activated the "Keep user Within ROM Directory Tree?" which I somehow missed.
* Fixed up the box/cart art position on a few skins.
* Fixed a problem where setting the box/cart orientation was screwed up.
* Fixed the bug that screwed up Gilou's skin to begin with (too weird to
explain). icon_razz.gif
* Fixed a long standing bug in the favorites system. This one goes waaaaay
* Emulator should now work with 1.6 Xbox's super big thanks to FreakDave. 1.6
users let me know how this works for you.
* Fixed a problem where the media directory selected by the user replaced the
wrong media directory. Again. Double Doi on me! icon_razz.gif
* Fixed the problem where the wrong synopsis description was showing when
selecting a game in the favorites menu.
* Fixed odd bug where the opening movie and movies played full screen in the
media browser would not display properly at 1080i


New SAMBA code from XBMC (See readme for more details)

**** Carryovers from Atarixlbox ****

A gazillion changes carried over from Atarixlbox. Read the Latest-Snes9x.txt

*** "Auto Game Configurations (aka Configuration defaults) for select
emulators ***
In the "General settings" menu there will be a new option.

"Automatically Use Default Game Configuration - Yes/No"

If the user sets it to "Yes" it will bring up the game configuration screen
and let the user define the default (if no default.stg and default.key file

In the "Configuration" menu there will be a new option... "Set default game

The user can go in anytime thru the "Configuration" menu to change these
"defaults" to something else if they wish.

Once set to "Automatically use Default Game Configuration" the user will not
see the game configuration screen again unless they... a) press X when
selecting a game. Change "Use Default Game Configuration" back to "No".

Keep in mind when it is set to "Yes" the game will use your "Default game
settings" and not the normal x-port behavior. If set to "No" the emulator
will behave like it usually does. Each emu is typically different. But all,
at the very least carry the controller settings over.

This feature will only be added to emulators in which it is feasible to use.




All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2014-08-27T15:06

SS模擬器 手把問題

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-08-26T14:31
載了SS模擬器下來想懷舊一下玩飛龍騎士RPG 但是卻發現不能設置把手 應該說它好像感應不到 按選項---控制器---遊戲手把---定義 之後就是按手把設置各個按鈕 但我的手把怎麼按就是沒反應 按鍵盤就可以 我以為是電腦沒感應到 但我開snes9x就可以正常使用 我是用ps手把接轉接器插電腦 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-08-26T09:33
版友好 下面文章是我在日文版發問的內容 同樣的問題也想請教emu的版友的意見如何呢^^? 第一段是一代的大反派 出現在第六章村子裡的台詞 第二段是祭典村食堂老闆的台詞 =============================================================== ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2014-08-24T22:41
※ 引述《t00012 (第六天蛇王)》之銘言: : PCE-SCD的真女神轉生小弟還持有原版光碟,有時會拿出來回味一下, : 但是在合體時我卻發現出現2隻沒有任何記載的仲魔. : 1隻是救世主教徒,智慧40,其他能力都都20 : 另1隻是蓋亞教徒,魔力40,其它能力也都是20 : 2隻的的HP都600 MP ...

PCSX2 玩TOA美版的問題

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-08-24T21:10
按照著YOUTUBE上面的流程 飛空艇是可以在水上航行沿著河滑到某高原去 但是我這邊的狀況卻是飛空艇下降到一定程度後就不會下降 所以我就無法降在水上 會是pad的插件問題嗎?我有試過其他的插件 我的版本是pcsx2-r3878 lilypad0.10.0 謝謝 - ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2014-08-24T14:45
仔細想想,這款根本沒有寫過完整的攻略文。 本作分成無印版(NOCTURNE)、狂熱版(MANIACS)、年代紀版(Chronicle Edition)。 詳細差異比較在攻略文會談,這次是以年代紀版為主體,順便討論其他兩版。 偶而該來盡盡巴哈姆特討論區女神轉生副版主的職責了XDD 最後附帶一提, 由於我後來才發 ...