SmartGear 0.38 - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-01-03T13:29

Table of Contents

The latest version of SmartGear is 0.38.

This release is all about fixes to the NES code. I've made some
structural changes to the 6502 which corrected a bunch of problems
(e.g. Battletoads) and added a few mappers. A bunch of the fixes
are due to removing some unsafe speed optimizations. The overall
speed is still plenty fast, so it was worth doing. The new code now
supports the following mappers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19
, 33, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 87, 93, 160, 180. Mappers 64, 65, 66, 232
, and 116 appear to be supported as well. I've also fixed the NES
load/save code, but the fix required that I change the SAV files.

Please delete all of your old SAV files (the BAK files haven't
changed, you can still use the old ones).

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The handheld and console game emulator........................

※ 編輯: conpo 來自: (01/03 13:30)

All Comments

Ootake 1.33

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-01-03T13:21
2008/01/03 1.33公開 - ADPCM音源の再生処理を改良しました。and#34;ロードス島戦記and#34;のビジュアルシ ーンで、音声が途中で途切れてしまうことがあった問題を解消しました。 - CD-ROMのアクセス処理を実機の動作に近づけました。and# ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-01-02T23:16
要換手機~其中能否玩超任模擬器是個人會嚴重考慮的一環 目前已經確認S60的手機的確能運行超任模擬器 但是據說不能夠存檔? 由於手機介面原本就不太適合玩動作類 因此模擬類的遊戲是否能夠存檔就相當的重要 我想知道模擬器在Nokia系列的手機上的運行是否流暢 以及它能否存檔~是否很容易當機? -- 爵士、咖 ...

FB Alpha Enhanced R11

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-01-02T23:13
R11 [January 1, 2008]: * Added Update made by BisonSAS to the Epos driver originally made by IQ_132 [ThanX to BisonSAS] * Added Quiz Olympic ...

MAME Plus! 0.122u2

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-01-02T14:35
.updated to 0.122u2 [Sword] .updated Japanese mameinfo (0.122u1 12/28) [mame e2j] - ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-01-02T13:37
想請問一下 目前psp上的ps模擬器 遊戲存檔可以跟電腦上的ePSxe互通嗎? 感謝喔! - ...