(SFC) Lunar SNES v1.01 - 模擬器

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-05-16T18:36

Table of Contents




Lunar SNES is an emulator for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It's a
Windows 7 program with an easy to use interface.

Rather than relying on complicated external mappings, Lunar SNES instead
detects all it needs to from ROM images, because this information is always
accurate ^^. This means you can just load your games and play them right
away. No foltainers! No BIOSes! Featuring high-level emulation of DSP chips
by Alcaro and Twinaphex, Lunar SNES's compatibility is exactly the same as
traditional emulators such as ZSNES. In addition, there is no Manifest
Viewer. Unless you type “Chelsea” on the main window.

Anyway, have fun playing the 16-bit classics! ^^





All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-05-19T08:37
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-05-21T18:09
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-05-25T19:00

(MSX/MSX2/MSX2+) fMSX v5.4

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2018-05-16T18:30
2018.05.15 It is an emulator of MSX / MSX2 / MSX2 + created by the great Marat Fayzullin whose latest version is finally available for free (which was not ...

OpenBor Knights of the Round Revenge

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-05-16T03:14
以圓桌武士為題材的遊戲,圓桌武士復仇 重大更新 Knights of the Round Revenge (Openbor) - MAJOR FINAL UPDATE!! https://youtu.be/yA81okUU7Vc 一開始只能選 原始3角色+美美 一些通關解鎖後,也可 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-05-14T09:37
2018/06/28 轉賣廚完全敗北UC https://twitter.com/nintendo/status/995833586258296832 然後順便介紹JUMP版 https://www.nintendo.co.jp/clvj/index.html -- ...

尋找一款SFC RPG的遊戲

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-05-14T08:05
各位大大們好 小弟小時候玩了一款SFC遊戲 因為現在一直找不到這遊戲 所以想請各位大大告知是哪款 他是這樣的 總共有分五個還是六個場景 一個是原始人時代 記得是頭上戴著骨頭 拯救一個女角 最後BOSS好像是暴龍 一個是中國時代 主角有三位 一個瘦小綁紫色頭巾男孩 一個胖男孩 一個女孩 只要選擇其中一位 其他 ...

(DC) DEmul v0.7 Alpha 180428

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-05-13T13:50
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