(SFC for NS) pSNES v1.5 - 模擬器

By Charlie
at 2018-07-10T22:23
at 2018-07-10T22:23
Table of Contents
Portable Snes9x for Nintendo Switch. The main goals of this snes9x port are:
have a basic but user friendly user interface on non windows devices ; use a
recent rendering interface for speed and effects support ; cross-platform and
code portability ; easy updates of snes9x core (no modifications to the
original sources).
Currently supported devices:
- Linux (sdl1, sdl2)
- Nintendo Switch (libnx, sdl2)
Installation (switch):
- copy "psnes" directory to "/switch/" directory on sdcard
- copy roms to "/switch/psnes/roms/" directory on sdcard
- Usage (switch)
- Press (+) in the rom list to configure main options and default roms options
- Press (-) in the rom list to configure per rom options
- Press (+) AND (-) when in emulation to bring the options menu
pSNES v1.5 changelog:
- switch: fix deletion of non zipped roms...
Portable Snes9x for Nintendo Switch. The main goals of this snes9x port are:
have a basic but user friendly user interface on non windows devices ; use a
recent rendering interface for speed and effects support ; cross-platform and
code portability ; easy updates of snes9x core (no modifications to the
original sources).
Currently supported devices:
- Linux (sdl1, sdl2)
- Nintendo Switch (libnx, sdl2)
Installation (switch):
- copy "psnes" directory to "/switch/" directory on sdcard
- copy roms to "/switch/psnes/roms/" directory on sdcard
- Usage (switch)
- Press (+) in the rom list to configure main options and default roms options
- Press (-) in the rom list to configure per rom options
- Press (+) AND (-) when in emulation to bring the options menu
pSNES v1.5 changelog:
- switch: fix deletion of non zipped roms...
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