(SFC) bsnes v107 - 模擬器

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2019-02-23T10:03

Table of Contents


While bsnes has been in Higan for a long time, byuu has decided to offer a
new version of bsnes but would have all the improvements in the HIGS SuperNES

bsnes (new) is therefore a stand-alone Super Nintendo emulator, using Higan's
SNES kernel but with a much faster multi-threaded PPU rendering engine.

Performance should outperform old versions of bsnes in "balanced" mode while
being as accurate. The bsnes project will also focus on ease-of-use (Editor's
note: often blamed on Higan) by providing support for direct loading of ROM
files, automatic gamepad mapping (if possible), support for the game.
application of hotfixes, etc.

In summary, bsnes is a Super Nintendo / Super Famicom emulator, which began
its development on October 14, 2004. This is a higan subproject that focuses
on performance, functionality and ease of use. use.

bsnes is designed to be a revival of the classic bsnes design, focusing
specifically on performance and ease of use for SNES emulation.

In addition to all of the features of higan, bsnes supports the following

– 300% faster (than higan) scanline-based, multi-threaded graphics renderer
– option to disable sprite limits in games
– option to enable hires mode 7 graphics
– option to enable more accurate pixel-based graphics renderer
– option to overclock SuperFX games by up to 800%
– periodic auto-saving of game save RAM
– save state manager with state screenshots
– several new save state hotkeys such as increment/decrement slot#
– option to auto-save states when unloading a game or closing the emulator
– option to auto-load aforementioned states when loading games
– save state undo and redo support (with associated hotkeys)
– speed override modes (50%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%)
– recent games list
– frame advance mode
– screenshot hotkey
– path selection for games, patches, saves, cheats, states, and screenshots
– dynamic video, audio, input driver changes
– direct loading and playing of games without the use of the higan library
– ZIP archive and multiple file extension support for games
– firmware folder for unappended coprocessor firmware (see documentation for
– compatibility with sd2snes and Snes9X MSU1 game file naming
– compatibility with higan gamepaks (game folders)
– soft-patching support for both BPS and IPS patches
– menubar that does not pause emulation when entered
– video pixel shaders (requires OpenGL 3.2)
– built-in game database with over 1,200 games to ensure perfect memory
– (Linux, BSD only:) audio dynamic rate control to eliminate stuttering
– and much more!

The one feature I regret not being able to support in this release is Windows
dynamic rate control. I put in my best attempt, but XAudio2’s API is simply
not fine-grained enough, and the WASAPI driver is not mature enough. I hope
that DRC support can be added to the Windows port in the near future, and I
would like to offer a large cash bounty to anyone who can help me make this

Etant donné que higan est en pleine restructuration, byuu a décidé de
publier bsnes maintenant et d’attendre la v108 d’higan. Higan n’a pas ét
é arrêté, mais la prochaine version sera radicalement différente.





All Comments

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By John
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