(Sega Model 3) Supermodel v0.1a - 模擬器

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-04-04T12:54

Table of Contents


v0.1.1a 發佈,含1.2a source code

Thanks to Nik Henson, a 64-bit Windows build is now available from
the Download page! I haven't tried it myself (I don't have 64-bit
Windows) but Nik says it is a little bit faster at points where the
32-bit build normally slows down. I've also made a very minor source
update, adding GLEW headers that were missing. The annoying
GLEW-related warnings on Microsoft Visual C++ are now suppressed.

: Supermodel v0.1a is released. Supermodel is a Sega Model 3 arcade
: emulator. Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform,
: allowing you to play a number of ground-breaking 3D classics on
: your PC.
: http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4893/screenshot1cz.jpg

下載:0.1.1a Win64

0.1a Win32

source code


: 推 aton602:模型完全度好像還比MODEL2的EMU的進展快很多 雖然沒聲音 04/02 10:51
: 推 li751012:有人可以解釋一下這個是?我好好奇喔 04/02 11:45
: 推 arcadyii:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/marchbiggg/ 04/02 11:55
: → arcadyii:model3特殊控制器的遊戲不少 就算模擬到很成功 04/02 11:57
: → arcadyii:實際上要玩得爽恐怕不容易 04/02 11:57
: 推 aaattt:win7 x64是不是無法開啟程式? 04/02 15:45
: 推 li751012:這果然是令人振奮的事呀! 04/02 16:57
: 推 if4:很少玩大型電動,這樣真不錯... 04/02 18:58


All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-04T22:15
win7 x64 依然無法開啟
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-04-09T05:57


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-04-04T11:58
最近很想懷舊一些AC遊戲所以開始研究MAME模擬器,但網路上版本眾多不知道如何下手。 不知道各位大大可以給一些建議嗎? - ...

SS 光明與黑暗續戰篇Ⅲ 王都的巨神(收

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-04-04T09:24
http://zh-tw.justin.tv/ayichen 使用模擬器為 SSF 0.12 beta 很久沒玩 可以提示需要注意的地方XD 預計到12點 - ...

PCSX2 r4525 不再支持 機器人大戰系列

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-04-03T22:45
好像是因為有些小問題一直沒修正,結果有人去搗亂...atat|| 目前日版好像還可以玩 r4525 Disabling support for the Super Robot Taisen series. These games will not work with newer PCSX2 version ...

jDosbox v0.74.19

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-04-03T22:37
http://jdosbox.sourceforge.net/ jDosbox v0.74.19 is released. jDosbox is a port of Dosbox in Java, allowing multiple systems to emulate the DOS and PC x86 ...

MAME v0.142

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-04-03T22:34
http://www.mamedev.org/ 0.142 ----- MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- - 04286: [Sound] deadang and clones: Missing ADPCM Audio (Aaron Giles) ...