ScummVM 0.11.1 - 模擬器

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-03-02T00:59

Table of Contents

Feb. 29th, 2008


- Revived the PS2 port.
- Revived the BeOS port.


- Improvements for Digital iMUSE subsystem. This fixes several
glitches in The Curse of Monkey Island.
- Fixes for cursors in HE games.


- Fix for zombies in King's Quest 4.
- Fix for changing palettes in fanmade games using AGIPAL.


- Fixed some conversation crashes in the German version.
- Fixed operation of the optional copy protection dialog in
the German version.
- Added saving of conversation flags as to whether a particular
conversation option had been previously selected or not.
- Fixed glitch that could cause transformation sparkle to
happen a second time.
- Fixed behavior of Goewin when you rejoin her after meeting the dragon.


- Fix for rat maze bug in Inherit the Earth which made game not completable.
- Fixes for Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth game startup
on a number of platforms.
- Reduced the number of simultaneous open files in I Have no
Mouth, to allow it to run on platforms that can keep a limited
amount of files open (e.g. on the PSP).
- Fixed graphics glitch in Inherit the Earth with simultaneous speech.
- Fixed palette glitch in Inherit the Earth when looking at the
map while at the docks.




│ 活老百姓!快來跟著我喊 ~│
—⊙—⊙ ╭┴──────────────────╯


All Comments


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-02-29T20:24
小時候很愛玩小叮噹 今天上班同事介紹模擬器網站上有小叮噹~ 我就很高興的抓下來了!!~~~ 可是怎麼我印象中都是玩魔境篇跟海底篇阿?? 剛剛問我哥... 我哥說是因為之前有買密集... 可以直接跳關... (難怪我對開拓篇一點印象都沒有..XDDD) 但是模擬器可以跳關嗎?? (不行的話有大大可以教我怎麼 ...

MAME Plus! 0.123u3

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-02-29T16:13 [MESS] sync with svn 1794 [Emuman] sync with 0.123u3 [Emuman] updated Japanese mameinfo (0.123u2 2/25) [mame e2j] update ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-02-29T15:56
※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《faz65535 (虹の花嫁)》之銘言: : 只是我到現在還是搞不清楚不因速度判定而使敵人先動的意義何在 : 怕被主角一行人先一回殺所以先動才有表現機會??? 速度最高是40,序盤我方速度不夠高所以容易被先制。 再來就是運氣也不夠高,至於等級有沒有影 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-02-29T15:18
※ 引述《faz65535 (虹の花嫁)》之銘言: : 真3其實真的很難 : 對rpg新手來說 : 是地獄般的遊戲 的確是這樣 不過習慣就好 反正麻木了 只是我到現在還是搞不清楚不因速度判定而使敵人先動的意義何在 怕被主角一行人先一回殺所以先動才有表現機會??? : 不過我覺得這款遊戲有點可惜 : 雖然使用P ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-02-29T15:11
前幾天第一次接觸gba的電鐵g 覺得蠻有趣的 尤其各站店家相當的細緻 令我不禁想 就算是仿作也無所謂 花個一兩年去弄個台灣電鐵遊戲應該不錯吧 富甲天下也是頗有特色的大富翁 可惜5代我覺得做得很差 幾乎每走一步都會出現隨機事件 不管是有意義或是無意義的 很浪費時間而且令人覺得運氣成份太重 ...