Saturn: Yabause v0.9.3 - 模擬器

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-01-20T19:19

Table of Contents


0.9.2 -> 0.9.3

-Fixed a couple of bugs with Netlink emulation.

CD block
-Tweaked error handling for cue files so it′s more helpful to the user.

-Fixed a bug in DSP MVI instruction.
-Fixed a bug with DSP Program Ram Address.
-Fixed ALU behaviour on NOP.
-Other bug fixes.

-Fixed a bug where coefficient reading wasn′t making sure reads weren′t
going out of bounds.
-Tweaked frame-skipping so it only skips if frame time is faster/slower than
a 1/2 a frame.
The results are much better now.
-Added general VDP2 debug info functionality.
-Added partial end code support to VDP1 texture debugging.

OpenGL video core
-Fixed a bug in 16 BPP sprites where pixels 0x0001-0x7FFF weren′t
transparent when transparency was enabled.

GTK port
-Redesigned the window so each part can now be resized.
-Added a toolbar and removed the buttons.
-The sprite list now displays texture thumbnails.
-Added tooltips to "run" and "pause" buttons.
-Redesigned VDP2 debug window.

Windows port
-Fixed a bug that was causing Yabause to crash when run for the first time.
-Added screen capture.
-Reworked Input dialog so it′ll allow for more than one peripheral(in the
-Added a bunch of tools tips for basic and input settings.
-Fixed a bug that was causing wrong VDP1 command information to sometimes be
-Other bug fixes.
-Fixed a bug that was causing the wrong breakpoint to be removed from the
breakpoint list.
-Text length is now limited correctly in breakpoint edit text controls.

-Tweaked memory breakpoints so that regardless of whether you′re using
cached or cache-through addresses variations of an address, it′ll still
detect and break when the memory is accessed.
-Other bug fixes.


All Comments


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-01-20T16:20
爬過文也google過 都看到GM8.0 可以直接打PS金手指 我是很想用搜尋 但是我想改的數字變動實在太討厭了 只會在1~2跳 而且還會重複 花了1hr在追蹤數字變動 搜尋了七八次 結果搜尋結果變成0筆 實在是幹意很深 所以我想求直接打金手指的方法.... orz 例如: D00F ...

no$gba 2.5c逆轉裁判4無法存檔(已爬文)

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-01-20T15:20
前一個破音問題感謝各位的回答 我找到傻瓜版2.5c終於音樂比較順了,可是和2.4的問題一樣, 我不管怎麼做都無法存檔atat (逆轉四是隨時可存檔的對吧?) 我把文章都爬過了 sav檔改成nds同檔名放在battery下 Backup Media設Flash 512kBytes或其他也都不行 每次選了存檔 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-01-20T14:59
遊戲平台:MD 內容陳述:一款好像是國人自制的遊戲,主角好像有八位,只記得其中兩位叫帥歌超、 齊瓦妹醫生,其他都忘記了,遊戲方式是依序到不同地方和NPC打大老二,一開始是在 台灣,後來會到香港、中國、韓國、日本、紐約等地和不同的人打牌。 心得回憶: 這款MD上的rom找好久都找不到,不知道有沒有人 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-01-20T14:17
一個日本人寫的,比較不會像NDS2XGL2佔用資源那麼大… 解壓後放到跟NO$GBA.EXE同一個目錄下,執行它, 會取代掉原本的NO$GBA.EXE,開啟模擬器就是兩倍大了… 後悔的話就把原本的NO$GBA.EXE蓋回去就行了。 載點: ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-01-20T11:20
嗯 突然想問個不是芭樂的快打炫風 我記得是快打炫風EX 國小時在電腦上玩過 打到最後突然一隻豪鬼出現先把將軍給打死 之後對決的對象就是豪鬼了 有人知道出現條件嗎 這問題困擾了我快十年了XD - ...