(Rom Management) ClrMamePro v4.032 - 模擬器

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-05-19T13:01

Table of Contents


ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot
has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc.

ClrMamePro v4.032 changelog:

* fixed: dir2dat creates subfolders for found filenames with `. Now it
translates it to ' (as the parser does anyway)
* fixed: unique softwarelist folder check can fail and only show an empty
list instead of details
* fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "dafilefolder" created double
foldernames when using dats with subfolders
* fixed: batcher's "for rompath naming use "datfile name tag" or "datfile
file" was not working
* fixed: batcher's "for default naming use" options does not use the global
profiler setting anymore
* fixed: don't list existing parent roms in completely missing clones' output
* fixed: profiler hides empty folders
* fixed: wrong bios set assignment in non rom-merge-parse-mode for some sets
which use merge tags to link to bios roms
* fixed: profiler context menu tree delete folder switched to 'delete
profile' when a profile in list view was selected
* fixed: problem with memoryfile exceptions when working with enabled headers
* added: batcher option to skip scan run when a batch rebuild did not create
any files
* misc: updated fuzzy set name check routine (which is rarely used though)
giving more robust results
* misc: better profiler tree display when delete/reset/clean cache on a
folder or move profile (not jumping to root and collapsing the tree)
* misc: show red/green dot profiler tree folder icons when profiles contain
at least one red or only green items
* misc: updated to zip archive: 4.6.4





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如題 先說一下要轉的是精靈寶可夢白2的檔。 #前言:我以往都使用nds系列主機玩遊戲,最近想試試看手機模擬 器於是就安裝了DrasStic來玩,沒想到一玩就花了快100小時給 他全攻略了,因此覺得這紀錄不留下來不行andgt;and#34;andlt;。 這幾天自己try了一些方法,也google了很多, ...