RockNES 5.09 - 模擬器

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-05-19T21:03

Table of Contents

What's new for version 5.09 (05/18/2013)
- Fixed PPU timing.
- Fixed PPU open bus emulation.
- Fixed APU reset, uninitialized flags.
- Fixed APU sweep unit.
- Fixed joypad i/o code, added 4016h/4017h extra reads.
- Fixed mapper 1 (MMC1) startup bank values, and MMC3 PPU IRQ timing.
- Fixed a potential crash when blitter 0 (256x240) was set on startup.
- Fixed base address selection on disassembler.
- Fixed gameplay joypad data logging driver, also known as NES movies.
- Fixed a bug when resetting the video context.
- Added a GUI option to see the current video context.
- Added mapper 89 (Tenka no Goikenban: Mito Koumon).
- Added a new screen blitter, stretched to 640x480 pixelated.
- Added five choices of RGB palettes for VS System mapper.
- Added option for printing the FPS (frames per second) value on screenshots.
- Added option for resetting the savestate slot number on ROM loading.
- Added a check for mapper 20, reserved for Famicom Disk System only.
- Added message errors if sound startup fails.
- Joypad data block on savestate now includes the number of reads, up to 8.
- The graphics mode settings are reset to defaults and saved on gfx errors.
- Disabled keys F6 and F7 when the FDS driver isn't active.
- Removed the option of disabling register $4011.
- Other minor fixes, various changes in the GUI, usual code cleanups.
- Software documentation updated.


All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-05-22T14:56
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-05-24T23:48
跪了 岩nes有夠早的

[Nes] Strider飛竜(出擊飛龍)

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-05-18T19:34
這款算是無意中逛水管發現的,看遊戲畫面其實沒說很喜歡XD 不過總覺得可以試試看就一口氣破了。 簡介: 這款叫做出擊飛龍,但風格較像惡魔城2+薩爾達2林克冒險。 對這兩個名稱有概念的人大概到這裡就會END了。 總之探索打怪找道具找路回基地後換關卡拿道具找路。 中間參雜了無新意的敵人,然後偶而出現高等小兵跟你單 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-05-18T15:07
本來想分兩篇,後來想說直接衝完吧,不然很難分段。 到最後很確實地,三個人都各自有劇情高潮片段,而且也確實繼承了聖劍的傳統…… ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【劇情概要】 ˙三人辛苦從村莊走充滿魔物的山道,爬上山頂後, 見到了賢者ジャッハ的弟子ジー ...

(Android) WindowsAndroid

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-05-18T05:52
2013.05.17 WindowsAndroid ? ‧Windroy is Android running with Windows kern ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-05-18T01:44
※ 引述《shiuichi (三隻魚閃鏢)》之銘言: : 抱歉又來麻煩大家了,最近遇到幾個MAME,設定以及遊戲上的問題: : (使用的是MAME PLUS v0.145) : 1.有時候從遊戲畫面Esc跳回win畫面時,遊戲選單會一直往上跳,直到跳到第一個遊戲才 : 停止(我的是1945),用鍵盤或是滑 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-05-18T01:42
※ 引述《shiuichi (三隻魚閃鏢)》之銘言: : 抱歉又來麻煩大家了,最近遇到幾個MAME,設定以及遊戲上的問題: : (使用的是MAME PLUS v0.145) : 1.有時候從遊戲畫面Esc跳回win畫面時,遊戲選單會一直往上跳,直到跳到第一個遊戲才 : 停止(我的是1945),用鍵盤或是滑 ...