(Robbie Dox WIP) Who?... Who?... Whores?... (NSFW) - 模擬器

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-03-31T10:38

Table of Contents


This time, the victim is Major Poker, from PAL System (Osaka, Japan).
The game is a SUPERB strip poker 'alla' Lucky'74, but with better
whores graphics system (8bpp, interleaved by columns, and other
rarities). The hardware is a hell of PLD's with banked RAM, ROM,
multiplexed inputs and much more... This game also has an addictive
Fever mode.

Special thanks to Tomasz Slanina, that made a superb job helping with
graphics and banking, and Rob Ragon for his invaluable help providing
hardware specs, measurements, and some videos for comparison.

Here some snaps...





All Comments


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-03-31T02:32
請問各位大大 小弟最近迷上一款ios的遊戲叫做 tiny wing 但礙於我的電腦是win XP系統,不能夠完ios的遊戲 是否有模擬器可以玩mac系統的遊戲呢? 不知道在這個版PO洽不恰當? 若不適合希望版主能體諒並且小弟會自D 謝謝! - ...

SNES4ALL v1 Beta

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-03-30T21:03
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