renameSET.dat v0.142u3 - 模擬器

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-05-10T23:22

Table of Contents

renameSET.dat v0.142u3 is released. This project came about as a result of
the continuous changes that mamedevs provide the names of the sets out
whenever a new version of the executable. The reasons for these changes are
manifold: correction of previous errors, addition of new games with similar
names, etc.. By the time the project has expanded by collecting not only
changes the name of the sets but also a kind of statistical data-base.

renameSET.dat v0.142u3 Changelog:
- Added 0.142u3, Update 'allMAMErenames.txt' and 'renameSET.ini'


All Comments


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-05-10T19:56
我目前的版本是r7485 玩惡靈古堡0和安布雷拉編年史都很ok 唯獨一代重製平均每10分鐘就當機一次= = 照現在這樣想好好的破根本不可能... 請問有誰用DOLPHIN順利破重製版 可以告訴我你的模擬器版本嗎?? 謝謝! - ...

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