Reggie 對於 NOA部份部門搬家的回應 - 任天堂

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2007-06-13T21:20

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※ 引述《NintendoFans (任天道)》之銘言:
: June 11, 2007 - For several weeks we've known that Nintendo of America
: recently came to an internal decision to move portions of its marketing and
: public relations departments from Seattle to San Francisco. (Nintendo Power
: is going to New York, meanwhile, according to insiders.) Long-time employees
: with the company were told that they needed to relocate or find a new job,
: and as it turns out several key Nintendo figures decided to stay in Seattle,
: including Perrin Kaplan and George Harrison.
: NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime today commented on the relocation process and
: the company departures. His words below:

部門從Seattle移到San Francisco。(任天堂的權力核心將移到New York,根據可靠的
任天堂的重要決策者決定待在Seattle,包括Perrin Kaplan 和 George Harrison。
任天堂總裁Reggie Fils-Aime在今天發表聲明,關於公司重組過程以及公司將進行分

: Virtually all of the employees affected by the relocation plan have now
: responded with their decisions, and approximately four of every ten have
: agreed to make the move to either New York or the Bay Area, in keeping with
: our original expectations.


: A transition task force of key executives has been formed to ensure the
: smoothest process possible, and continuous information and resources will be
: available to all employees. The rest of Nintendo's strong leadership talent
: will continue to drive our business objectives forward. It has always been
: the case that Nintendo employees are resilient and rise to any challenge, and
: there is no doubt in my mind that we will excel as we continue to tackle new
: challenges and business opportunities.


: Nintendo itself can not discuss the relocation status of any individual
: involved, but for those who will be departing the company, we have every
: expectation that they will succeed to the highest degree in their future
: endeavors. We will miss the talent, energy and experience from those who have
: chosen not to relocate. Our sales and marketing teams have been key
: components in returning Nintendo to its current position of market leadership.
: 約四成的任天堂員工同意這次的移動
: 較為核心的人事異動會在最短時間內完成
: 其他沒啥重要的


All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-06-18T21:08
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-06-21T05:52
我印象中任天堂是不干涉水手隊的球隊運作 僅僅投資而已


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-06-13T19:08
※ 引述《i8i (狀況已經不能再糟了)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《nmhjk (要來我家玩wii嗎?)》之銘言: : : 因為有用色差 : : 看到網路上色差好像要開的樣子 : : 所以就去設定那邊想說開一下好了 : : 進去and#34;畫面and#34;之後 : : 選了第三個 : : 有兩個選項原本是在 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2007-06-13T19:02
※ 引述《Wii (Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)》之銘言: : 最近Wii大熱賣 : 許多板友也因為Wii而加入任天堂這個大家庭 : 可是有沒有人覺得這個環境改變了? : 戰文 問板文 新手文 : 原始的任天堂板好像完全走了調 : 雖然Wii對於任天堂來說 是一項嶄新的里程 : 但是 ...

Wii ~1p不能揮動

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-06-13T18:21
我的Wii 1p不能揮動了....但是2P可以玩 例如拳擊高爾夫等等的都不能揮 但是1P還是可以用來移動選項 這個問題是設定上的問題嗎 還是是他壞掉了 請大家救救我.....快被我媽殺了 PS.有中日文對照表嗎.....很多都看不懂 - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-06-13T17:26
請問,有關美版遊戲發售的資訊,我該去哪邊查呢? 因為想知道牧場物語會不會有美版.....好想玩阿andgt;and#34;andlt; 謝謝~~ - ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-06-13T13:30
TO-TIN-DJU 使用期限Jun18。 ----- TOS (Gamecube)上了每週精選,比前陣子特價少了兩美元! =andgt;有買每週精選,就不能用優惠券唷。 ---- 囧 每次都是發表某網站的特惠活動 - ...