Regen 0.85 - 模擬器

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-04-22T23:54

Table of Contents


This the latest release of Regen. Following changes were made:

Version 0.85

Well, this release may not look much different from previous (0.77) one but
beleive me there have been many many changes.
Two major emulation subsystems have been totally replaced with new ones .
They are the timing and event system and the second being the new YM2612
There were many betas released to make sure every game worked correctly and
more accurately than ever.
Though its true that I haven't implemented some front-end related feature
requests because I didn't wanted to delay this releaseany longer.
I am sorry for that.

* Totally rewrote timing code and implemented a new event system. I think this
new code is very close to being 100% accurate.
Although Regen still emulates line-by-line this code will give results that
can only be achieved by running the emulator cycle-by-cycle.
This code is not slow either. In fact, it may be *faster* than the previous
code. This code is still in early stages but I thought
it was stable enough to released. Now why I did it? Especially since the
previous system was already very mature.
Well the only *real* reason for me was that a user posted me a small demo
program that will only run correctly if the timings of the
emulator were absolutely perfect. So, as you may have guessed, that it did
not work correctly under Regen.
But the interesting thing is that it did not work correctly in Kega either.
Fixing the demo broke many other games.
But with this new system not only the demo works correctly but also all the
games work perfect (as far as I've tested).
This new system has also fixed some games that did not worked previously
which include:
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Wheel of Fortune
It also fixes some of the glitches in games like Legends of Galahad, Nigel
Mansell's World Championship Racing,
Striker, Deadly Moves (runs even better than Kega) and many more.
* Replaced MAME's FM core with my own YM2612 emulator which I had been working
on for some time.
This is the reason this release took so long. It more accurate than MAME's
core and very close to real thing.
Listen to Warlock, Ariel, Shaq Fu etc... for the difference. If a game still
doesn't sound correctly please reprot it.
* Changed 68k timings. This fixes Surging Aura.
* Sound in Pac-Man 2, The New Adventures (U) fixed. Maybe the first time for
any Genesis emulator. I couldn't find any other emu that runs it correctly.
* Corrected the behaviour of X-MEN 2 and Eternal Champions on reset.
* Fixed the PAR finally this time. All the codes will now work Regen that
worked in Kega and real hardware.
* Added multi-language support to Regen menus. There are many languages
available by default.
Thanks to their authors. See the respective language files for their names.
You can create your own language file too.
See the readme for that. Please note that there won't be any check beside any
selected language.
That is because I noticed the list changes on every run of Regen even if no
new languages are installed.
This creates the problem of check appearing against wrong language. There are
solutions to it but its just too much pain.
* Changed the drop list height in redefine keys dialog so that 6-button,
Menacer, Sega Mouse options are visible.
People thought Regen didn't support them :)
* Regen will now correctly load Kega and Gens' created SRAM files.
* Now you can pause a game then press space for executing just one frame.
Useful for taking precise screenshots.
* Fixed and improved the EEPROM support. All games that *did* have EEPROM
originaly will run correctly now.
* Fixed a small glitch in country sub menu.
* Multiple messages can now be displayed.
* Added a small program in "Fonts" directory to create fonts for the emulator
text engine.
Please note that it will ask twice to select font.
The first will be used when 'Superfast Rendering' or 'None' is selected.
The second will be used when a plugin is selected and is usually the same as
the first one but nearly twice the size.
I could do it programmatically but I didn't because this way the user can
tweak the sizes individually because the second font doesn't appear to be
exactly twice the size (little bigger) even the height is exactly the twice
of the first one.
* AVI movie recording support. Don't ask for any other format please.
Recording directory is same as sound.
* Loading a game multiple times will create only one entry in the File History.
* Fixed FPS display being cut-off if in three or more digits in None plugin
* Fixed some crashes especially when changing the sound rate.
* Many other internal changes.


All Comments


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-04-22T12:53
我想請問一下,有辦法把模擬器跟遊戲給分離嗎? 因為網路上都是整合版的,而且好像因為模擬器版本太舊了 結果我按顯示畫面數時就會跳出錯誤視窗,然後就自動關掉 所以想問問看有沒有辦法把它分離,然後用新的版本來玩 話說繁中化真好,以前都直接跳過對話,現在連路人都開始拼命找他講話 然後才發現很多路人都有掌握重要情報 ...

一款PS上的橫向卷軸黏土畫面遊戲 !

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-04-22T07:26
那是我國小的時候在同學家玩的遊戲... ( 距今大約...8年 ? ) 是橫向卷軸的 反正整個就是粘土的畫面 主角長得很BG ▂▅▇ ◢▁▃▇ ◢██◣  ████  ▍▏▍▏ ▍▏▍▏ ████ ████ ▆▂▁▁▂▆ ▂█▇▇█▂ ◥█◤ 大概是這樣 ? ...

Re: 史上最爛52合一卡帶

George avatar
By George
at 2008-04-22T00:33
※ 引述《cuorl (必須存在與消逝)》之銘言: : 其實這個遊戲爛的地方倒不是遊戲本身, : 雖然一堆遊戲過程很無聊,但還不至於被嫌爛, : 被嫌爛的主要原因應該是沒做好及一大堆bug所致, : 遊戲幾乎都沒有能順利攻略完畢的部分, : 玩家花了大錢買這種跟壞掉沒兩樣的爛東西自然會覺得很火大XDDD 即使 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-04-21T22:41
※ 引述《typecommand (:))》之銘言: : 目前螺子上應該是只有我最齊全吧,不忍心見到斷流 : 目前正全力上傳中,希望大家下載完後不要馬上移除 : keyword:模擬器/史上大集合 我前幾天找到一個種子還蠻快的 MAME 0.124 版....16.6G 不過我不知道全不全, ...

No$gba v2.6 不能玩漢化FF3@@?

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-04-21T21:28
好不容易下載玩了 卻不能玩Orz and#34;無法讀取記錄 關閉電源 重新插入卡帶後再試一次and#34; 不知道哪位高手能幫一下 先謝啦 ※ 編輯: ldert 來自: (04/21 21:28) 推 cusalala:最傻瓜 ...