Reacquisition & Future III - 線上

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2013-08-13T11:37

Table of Contents

This first weeks of again being owners have had a lot to do with getting
contracts signed, talking to providers about the change in ownership,
and focusing on how to transition to a smaller team as quickly and painlessly
as possible for everyone involved.
The new smaller team will be contain some really great people with a lot of
insight and dedication for Hattrick, such as HT-Gusy and HT-Bodin,
backed up by HT-Daniel who has always been the grey eminence of
Hattrick development. But we will part ways with several old friends as well,
such as HT-Klas and HT-Tjecken,
which feels momentous and sad right now.
I will stay around too, as well,
and take a larger responsibility for the community together with HT-Aartspam.

不翻譯, 有興趣可以看原文

What about our plans for the game,
and all the things that have been promised in the past?

談談未來的計畫吧. 還有HT團隊過去承諾過的事情呢 ?

Today I only want to talk in general about how we see
Hattrick going forward. We will have tighter resources,
but the team will be a lot more focused solely on improving the user
experience for you guys.
We no longer have other grand projects competing for our time,
or external bosses that needs to drive sales for a certain date or
for us to look more like whatever games may be trendy this month.
We will opt away from doing big projects,
especially things that try to fix things that aren't broken so to say -
we think that,
on the whole, it's better to improve on what is in Hattrick rather than
try to revolutionise the game, at this point.
But all that said, of course there is no shortage of things to DO,
quite the opposite.

同時幸運的, 也沒有老闆會緊盯著遊戲的銷售利潤

目前這個時間點, 穩住Hattrick的核心價值, 比開發以及更新遊戲引擎更重要

I know that the first question in the minds of many users is
"What happens to the new staff system".
I'm not going to ask that specific question just yet,
as we will sit down next week to plan our new roadmap.
But I can promise you that we will give clear information on what our
intentions are shortly after we have had the opportunity to talk
through our options.

很多玩家會問 : 之前提過的新職員系統將會何去何從 ?
HT團隊尚未決定, 團隊將會坐下來開會討論,

And what happens with the stuff that was added by Zattikka
in the last year?
Well, again it all needs to be assessed.
I think much of it will stay,
but I can already think of a few things that we should change or remove,
as well.

Zattikka時期招攬的遊戲職員, 也將需要重新評估
GM認為大部分會留下, 不過同時改變以及部分職員的離開是必然的

To sum all of this up, it's been a pretty crazy week.
Last Monday, Zattikka was still our owner.
By the end of the week, Hattrick was again independent and,
given the financial reality of Hattrick today,
we had been forced to completely change the size and
focus of the Hattrick team.

下個結論, Hattrick的狀況從聽Zattikka命令辦事變成獨立自主
但是也面臨的財政的現實, 以及團隊縮編等改變

Personally, I am grateful for having had the chance to see
Hattrick from the outsider’s perspective for a little over a year.
I know that there are many things we have done wrong in the past.
But we've always kept the long-term viability of the game first and foremost.
And I do think we will do a better job now, given the second chance,
than what we've seen in the past year. We want change,
but only when it is sensible.
And we want to continue sharing and enjoying the journey with you.

這位GM個人認為, 很高興過去在Zattikka時期,
的確過去有些決策是錯誤的, 但是團隊總是以長遠的觀點在看待遊戲

現在HT團隊有了第二次機會, 這位GM認為團隊將會做的比過去更好
HT團隊當然也期待改變, 不過只有當改變合情合理, 才會去執行.

Tags: 線上

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海服launcher initialization failed

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2013-08-13T10:40
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海服launcher initialization failed

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-08-13T10:20
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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-08-13T01:58
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