Reacquisition & Future II - 線上

By Rachel
at 2013-08-13T11:05
at 2013-08-13T11:05
Table of Contents
The average Supporter today has around 270 days left before
he or she needs to renew, almost double compared to 18 months ago.
One could say we inherit a debt of several million euros to you, our users,
and that is something we will absolutely honour.
But it means we will have tighter resources as it may take a year or more
for us to "catch up" to a normal sales rate.
In addition to this, user numbers keep deteriorating.
It's a challenge we are prepared to take.
It will mean that we will have to find better ways to earn money for the game
than Zattikka did.
One such thing is that we will stop giving general discounts
and having different pricing in different countries.
But don’t fear,
we stick to our promise of keeping the game free and open for all.
目前支持者平均的剩餘天數為270天, 是18月前的兩倍
Hattrick經營權之購回, 換句話說, 也承擔了相當的債務.
1. 未來促銷的折扣活動或是商品將會減少
2. 玩家數量持續減少,HT團隊準備開始準備去調整分針
3. 不同國家,支持者不同價之策略將會走入歷史
4. 要找出和區別Zattikka營運賺錢之不同方法
5. 不用擔心, 遊戲的核心價值, 所有玩家可以免費且公平的玩Hattrick,
I am only mentioning this because we realise that,
as we once again prepare to run this game,
we just need to be very realistic about where we are.
We are not a game that should be chasing growth at any cost.
What makes Hattrick stand out, gloriously,
is the extremely tight and loyal community and the users that have stayed
around for 5 or 10 years, or even more.
For every year that passes this becomes only clearer.
It's time for us to accept that maybe Hattrick will never again
be a game that grows,
maybe our mission instead should be to make the journey to a lower level
as slow,
enjoyable and dignified as possible. At the very least,
in that way we don't waste time and energy on things that aren't appreciated
by our core users.
Personally, I believe we can reach a plateau,
where we stabilise and from which we can one day grow organically.
But it isn't really the most important thing in the world if we don't,
either. What's important is that we realise what is the true identity
of the legacy we have, and make the best of the situation we are in.
基於以上提到之事項, HT團隊買回經營權後, 經營遊戲之態度也會更加實際.
隨著時間的推進, 這項核心價值就越得到驗證.
但是至少我們抓緊過去Hattick的核心價值, 以緩慢、愉悅、有尊嚴之步調進行遊戲
至少不應該浪費時間以及精力, 推出會讓核心玩家不舒服之決策
這位GM個人認為, Hattrick是有可能再達到穩定且平穩的高點
重要的是, 重新定位遊戲價值, 並找到遊戲正確之地位
In this new start of Hattrick,
we will settle back into a considerably smaller HT team,
at a cost level that we think will be sustainable for many years to come.
We'll simplify our job by doing away with much unnecessary work.
We'll have fewer developers, so we'll need fewer managers too.
We'll market through contented users rather than through advertising
or publishing partners.
We won't keep separate devs to work on apps for either mobile phones or
Facebook, but we may extend capabilities for CHPPs
that want to do the same.
We'll drop the extensive campaigns and discounts we have been running and
which have also taken quite a lot of our time and energy the last year.
The list goes on. Our main focus will be operating the game and
doing well-considered additions to the core game,
hoping for your continued Support as we do that.
HT團隊將會縮編, 同時將會有以下的變革
1. 商品未來將只會賣給滿意的玩家, 而不是透過廣告不斷行銷
2. 不同平台APP的開發將會停止會減慢, 但是將會鼓勵CHPPs有意願作相同的事情
3. 疲勞轟炸式的商品銷售以及折扣將會停止, 這樣HT團隊將可更多時間
4. 未來的重點將會擺在營運, 開發出更多有口皆碑之功能以及遊戲改變
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