Re: [問題]CC:N砲兵射擊一問 - 戰棋

By Iris
at 2022-12-17T22:40
at 2022-12-17T22:40
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※ 引述《tsamarfi (一 擊 入 魂)》之銘言:
: 各位好,檢視CCN射擊戰規則要求射擊前須判定視線(Line of Sight),兩點連線間不可
: 有障礙物阻隔,砲兵另有高度相關限制,暫不細述。
: 請教若敵方與我方砲兵均在同一高度,視線間無高地,砲兵射擊時,是否同樣須考慮視線
: 上障礙物阻隔的限制?
: 會有這疑問是因為砲是曲射武器,想像中即使前方1、2格有部隊,應該還是能越過去。
An artillery unit on a Hill hex may fire over a friendly unit or
leader that is on an adjacent lower hex as long as that hex has
no other terrain feature that would block the artillery unit’s line
of sight. An Artillery unit on a hill, however, may not be ordered
as part of a Combined Arms Combat if it has to fire over the
heads of a friendly unit on a lower adjacent hex (See Combined
Arms Combat).
Line of sight is not blocked between units on Hill hexes separated
by one or more intervening hexes of lower elevation unless those
hexes contain a unit or terrain that blocks line of sight.
: 各位好,檢視CCN射擊戰規則要求射擊前須判定視線(Line of Sight),兩點連線間不可
: 有障礙物阻隔,砲兵另有高度相關限制,暫不細述。
: 請教若敵方與我方砲兵均在同一高度,視線間無高地,砲兵射擊時,是否同樣須考慮視線
: 上障礙物阻隔的限制?
: 會有這疑問是因為砲是曲射武器,想像中即使前方1、2格有部隊,應該還是能越過去。
An artillery unit on a Hill hex may fire over a friendly unit or
leader that is on an adjacent lower hex as long as that hex has
no other terrain feature that would block the artillery unit’s line
of sight. An Artillery unit on a hill, however, may not be ordered
as part of a Combined Arms Combat if it has to fire over the
heads of a friendly unit on a lower adjacent hex (See Combined
Arms Combat).
Line of sight is not blocked between units on Hill hexes separated
by one or more intervening hexes of lower elevation unless those
hexes contain a unit or terrain that blocks line of sight.
All Comments

By Candice
at 2022-12-19T08:46
at 2022-12-19T08:46
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