Raine 0.50.16 - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-09-01T10:45

Table of Contents

Aug 31 2008

The win32 binary of 0.50.15 was mistakenly compiled for pentium4,
so here is 0.50.16, freshly compiled for pentium again ! This
version also includes quite a few interesting fixes for emudx,
cps2, ninja warriors and even a fix for vista. See the changelog
for details, and those who had unexplained crashes with previous
version are welcome to test this one and report to the forum !

No source released this time, because the part of the sources for
neoraine is really not ready for a release now.

* Mike (dx) noticed donkey kong had some pink pixels around him
in emudx mode, so we fixed them, now it looks better.
* 1st boss of ninja warrior was freezing the game since raine 0.41,
very old bug, fixed too.
* Remember the video priority fix for cps2 in 0.50.13 ? Well, it
wasn't perfect, there was at least 1 game which didn't like it
: 1944, in the end of the 1st stage, some boats looked like some
submarines with this fix. So I had to do a better fix, hopefully
this time it works everywhere...
* When loading a game failed (and a game was previously loaded),
the gui crashed just after displaying the error message (when a
rom was not found for example).
* There was a very old bug in mshh : if black heart appears, the
game resets while he is making his entrance. It was a very weird
bug because of an optimization in starscream - worked around it,
now it finally works ! (mshu was already working).
* Be sure to exit with a return code of 0 for the stupid verbosity
of vista which seems to complain when a program does not so.



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黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成


All Comments

PC-98 模擬器

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-08-31T20:26
http://www.badongo.com/file/11133921 提供另一個 PC98 模擬器: neko project 的 9821 版本 支援模擬 386 以上硬體、256 色 作者網站:http://retropc.net/yui/n ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-08-31T17:27
忘了是在紅白機還是超任 一款橫向捲軸格鬥過關遊戲 印象中一開始有四個角色(三男一女)可以選 只記得每個人都有小絕招 好像有大絕不過都是碰巧按出來的 一個是原地起跳用旋風腿 一個是直接把手臂張開原地旋轉的人肉陀螺 一個會轉一圈放電(這個絕對不會錯!) 女的是後空翻踢人 其他印象就是打王的時 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-08-31T13:43
請教一下有過的高手 第三話 逆轉的情歌 我卡在第四節 以下是攻略(http://hacken.cc/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=160751) 當開始說到第4句說並且馬基的眼睛動的時候發動進入到「看穿」特技的狀態, 之後選擇證據為「??????新聞」,並追加證詞: 「讓我來說明下那個 ...

[問題] 電玩模擬器是怎麼寫出來的?

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-08-31T10:31
※ 引述《asoedarren (天真歲月陽仲壽)》之銘言: : 這個問題讓我好奇很久了,而且也不知道能去哪問 : 想來想去,我想還是這兒最適合吧,畢竟能寫出模擬器的都是程式高手..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-08-31T02:37
這遊戲是大型機台的 大概在我幼稚園的時候看到的吧(我74年次) 因為記憶中對這款遊戲只有一點點點.......... 就請各位神人見諒....... 遊戲背景 好像是在一棟大樓 每個人物都很像是樂高玩具裡的人偶 可以上下樓 自己操縱的人物 好像是有戴帽子 穿西裝的 1P好像是藍色 2P好像是 ...