Q4Wine v0.10 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-01-22T11:45

Table of Contents


General features:

Can export QT color theme into wine colors settings.
Can easy work with different wine versions at same time;
Easy creating, deleting and managing prefixes (WINEPREFIX);
Easy controlling for wine process;
Autostart icons support;
Easy cd-image use;
You can extract icons from PE files (.exe .dll);
Easy backup and restore for managed prefixes.
Winetriks support.

\Q4Wine v0.10 Changelog:

* Added:
- Option to set default directory for new wine prefixes (default:
- q4wine desktop menu tree [BUG-16]
- Prefix execution template string;
- Winetricks database cache;
- Merge Wintricks core;
- New System Config interface;
- Mac OS X support;
- Pre and Post run Icon scripts [3465598][3388054][2716333];
- Icon and Prefix sorting (name, date);
- Version string to About page;
- Handler for wrong URL in wine app db;
- Add Logging subsystem activationdeactivation button to Logging tab toolbar;
- Add taskmgr, winemine, iexplorer, control, oleview icons to prefix's system
- New system icons from latest wine version;
- Install program icons in $prefix/share/icons/hicolor/; Add
16,22,32,48,64,96,128,256 icon sizes [3505384];
- Prefix to translation files names [3506372];
- Prefix execution template string;
* Fixed:
- Quote run string in case of console useage (gnome-terminal, see BUG-15)
- Winetricks functionality fails to work [BUG-15]
- Cannot run 'Create Fake Drive' for a new prefix with a win32 architecture
- System Language autodetection does not work [BUG-13]
- Error while loading application settings by key: 'WineLibs'. File or path
does not exist: "" [BUG-12]
- q4wine doesn't clean up user's tmp directory [BUG-11]
- regression: selection focus jumps to prefix name on subdirectory selection;
- regression: can't load user selected language
- Enhanced win64 support for wine;
- Better Wine library path autodetection [Linux];
- Create ~/.local/share/wineprefixes directory if it does not exist;
- Error is Desktop paths are empty;
- Desktop Paths are wrongly labeled [3491775];
- Win32 prefix creation while prefix directory exists;
- Unite IconDetail toolbar actions;
- No translations autoupdate at project build. Use make translations insted;
- Fixed process refresh loop;
- Extended env command after console terminal;
- Updated README file: added "Known Issues" section;
- Set WINEDEBUG to '-all' if logging subsystem disabled and program was
executed not in console session;
- Icon export dialog empty icons [3358599];
- Dropped obsolete strings from translation files [3358602];
- Fixed build in Debian GNU/Hurd (should also works in Arch Hurd);
- Possibly fixed build in OpenBSD and NetBSD;



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