Puzzleup 2014 (20) Balls - 拼圖

John avatar
By John
at 2014-12-10T21:32

Table of Contents


題目網址: http://www.puzzleup.com/2014/

答題時限: 12月11日7PM-比賽結束
加分時限: 12月11日7PM-12月17日6:59PM



There are six red balls and four black balls in a box. The balls are randomly
drawn one by one and the colors are tallied. The process is continued until
all the balls have been drawn. What is the probability that the number of red
balls is always bigger then the number of black balls throughout the whole
tallying process?

Enter your answer as a simplified fraction. Example:12/23




答案以最簡分數輸入,如 12/23。

'You've sort of made up for it tonight,' said Harry. 'Getting the
sword. Finishing the Horcrux. Saving my life.'
'That makes me sound a lot cooler then I was,' Ron mumbled.
'Stuff like that always sounds cooler then it really was,' said
Harry. 'I've been trying to tell you that for years.'
-- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, P.308

Tags: 拼圖

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-12-14T08:46
不是bigger then而是bigger than吧……
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-12-17T16:26
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2014-12-21T18:58
我是複製貼上的, 所以請點連結進去找 puzzleup 主辦方 XD
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2014-12-22T14:51

HEYE 拼圖品質問題

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-12-09T23:22
Hi, 各位版友好 小弟在上周末的時候 在新竹誠品的雷諾瓦買了HEYE這幅拼圖 http://ppt.cc/pAi- 可是今天打開來要拼的時候卻發現這樣子的狀況 http://ppt.cc/j-ju http://ppt.cc/WWLK http://ppt.cc/4iZS http://ppt.cc/F ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2014-12-09T13:41
出自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivGlBKlK6M 分鐘物理的主持人Henry要和大家玩一個無理的賭注 (Impossible bet) 首先召集一百個人,各自拿 1$ 參與遊戲,規則如下 1. 一百位玩家隨意得到一個編號,是為1~100號玩家,在自己的錢幣上 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-12-07T21:46
大家好 小弟最近有送禮的需求 想買個有質感的益智玩具 記得以前版上 有討論過hanayama google了一下圖片,好想要一個啊~ 爬了下文發現 好像台隆手創館才有賣 可是版上最新的討論 已經是去年3月的事了 想請教前輩們 現在台隆還買的到嗎 如果有的話在台北哪間分店呢 還是有台隆 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-12-05T14:30
今天到夢時代想跳個舞力特區 不經意喵到一台號稱客製化拼圖販賣機 看展示的 sample. 質感還挺好的 不大張(約A6 size )有點帶珠光的感覺 看在價格不貴的份上所幸做了一張 還挺有趣的!不曉得各位版友有人也試過嗎? - ...

島 001

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-12-04T12:22
題目規則 (來源 橋をかけろ) 每座島彼此要用橋連接 1x1的格子可以放兩座橋 橋的長度不限但不能越過島 島上的數字代表連接到該島的橋數量 任意兩座島之間只能用兩條橋連接 所有的橋必須是直和橫方向不能斜或弧形等等 任意兩座橋不能交叉 連接完後從任意一座島移動到另外一座島只能用一種路線(原本規則 ...