Puzzleup 2012 (20) Test - 拼圖

By Olivia
at 2012-12-05T21:55
at 2012-12-05T21:55
Table of Contents
今年的 20 題已經全數出題完畢,所有問題在 12 月 26 日前皆可回答。
題目網址: http://www.puzzleup.com/2012/?home
答題時限: 12月6日7PM-比賽結束(12月26日)
加分時限: 12月6日7PM-12月11日6:59PM
另有兩種加分: 1. 加分時限內答對。例:第N天答對,可加(6-N)分。
2. 題目越困難,加分越多。例:這題有n%的人答錯,答對者加n分。
35 students took a test of 100 problems.
- Each problem is solved by exactly one girl and one boy.
- There are at least one girl who solved exactly one problem, and at least
one girl who solved exactly two problems.
- There are at least one boy who solved exactly four problems, and at least
one boy who solved exactly five problems.
- The number of the problems solved by the girl(s) who has solved the maximum
number of problems is X.
- The number of the problems solved by the boy(s) who has solved the maximum
number of problems is Y.
If the minimum values for both X and Y are the same, find the number of girls
who have taken the test.
35 個學生參加了一場有一百個問題的考試。
- 每個問題都正好被一個女生跟一個男生回答。
- 存在至少一個女生回答了正好一題,也存在至少一個女生回答了正好兩題。
- 存在至少一個男生回答了正好四題,也存在至少一個男生回答了正好五題。
- 女生當中回答最多題的人回答了 X 題。
- 男生當中回答最多題的人回答了 Y 題。
若 X 跟 Y 的最小值相同,求女生人數。
いああオレたちには見えてるモノがあるbデ きっと誰にも奪われないモノがあるはずさ
け 開口一番一虚一実跳梁跋扈形影相弔yュL羊頭狗肉東奔西走国士無双南柯之夢 歪も
ぶ 意味がないと思えるコトがある ラPきっとでも意図はそこに必ずある んの
く 依依恋恋空前絶後疾風怒濤有無相生 ラH急転直下物情騷然愚者一得相思相愛 だが
ろ 無意味じゃない ラ6あの意図が 恋た
で 有為転変死生有命蒼天已死黄天當立 !!6五里霧中解散宣言千錯万綜則天去私 のり
All Comments

By Joe
at 2012-12-10T08:20
at 2012-12-10T08:20

By Mason
at 2012-12-10T21:05
at 2012-12-10T21:05

By Olive
at 2012-12-12T09:53
at 2012-12-12T09:53

By Vanessa
at 2012-12-16T06:41
at 2012-12-16T06:41

By Gilbert
at 2012-12-18T13:09
at 2012-12-18T13:09

By Faithe
at 2012-12-19T08:10
at 2012-12-19T08:10

By Ula
at 2012-12-22T15:51
at 2012-12-22T15:51

By Elvira
at 2012-12-24T11:46
at 2012-12-24T11:46

By Margaret
at 2012-12-26T10:11
at 2012-12-26T10:11

By Sarah
at 2012-12-29T06:17
at 2012-12-29T06:17

By Hedwig
at 2012-12-29T15:47
at 2012-12-29T15:47

By Lucy
at 2013-01-01T04:00
at 2013-01-01T04:00

By Kumar
at 2013-01-06T03:05
at 2013-01-06T03:05

By Jack
at 2013-01-07T03:20
at 2013-01-07T03:20

By Robert
at 2013-01-11T20:11
at 2013-01-11T20:11

By Rae
at 2013-01-14T04:27
at 2013-01-14T04:27

By Steve
at 2013-01-16T16:35
at 2013-01-16T16:35
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