PS遊戲開發者選出他們心中的2020最愛遊戲 - PS

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2021-01-02T00:01

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原文來自 PlayStation Blog:

PlayStation developers’ favorite games of 2020 PS遊戲開發者的2020最愛作品


來看看PlayStation上的知名開發工作室如 Guerrilla(地平線的工作室), Naughty Dog
、Santa Monica Studio(新戰神工作室)、
Sucker Punch(對馬的工作室)、Capcom....的成員們分享他們的2020最愛遊戲!

作者:Gillen McAllister
Senior Specialist, Content Communications, SIE

讀者已告訴我們你的2020選擇是甚麼,現在讓業界先鋒的遊戲開發者們分享他們的2020 P

Call of Duty: Warzone 選作:《決勝時刻:現代戰域》

As chosen by… 選擇者:(感想略)

– Ryan Payton, Marvel’s 鋼鐵人VR遊戲總監

– Ramone Russell, MLB The Show 20 聖地牙哥工作室 產品開發溝通與品牌策略師

Demon’s Souls 選作:《惡魔靈魂》(PS5重製版)

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“Although there were many amazing games this year, my favorite has to be
Demon’s Souls. I never played the original, but got hooked on these types of
games when Bloodborne came out in 2015, so getting a new PS5 was even more
exciting because I got to play Demon’s Souls for the first time. Oh, and it
also looks amazing. Incredible job by Bluepoint Games!”

– Jason Connell, 對馬戰鬼 遊戲創意與美術總監


– Ned Waterhouse, 小小大冒險遊戲設計師

– Henri Markus, Returnal 遊戲設計師

Doom Eternal 選作:《毀滅戰士 永恆》
As chosen by… 選擇者:(感想略)

– Louis Studdert, Crash Bandicoot 袋狼大進擊 4 製作人

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout 選作:《糖豆人》

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“The rules are simple, the gameplay is wild, and you can enjoy it with your
entire family. The combination of old and new elements – gameplay that
focuses on a balance of luck, mastery of action, and strategy – is great. I
think it’s fantastic that your luck depends a lot on the physics of
interacting with other players, making it hard to direct your frustrations at
the game itself. It’s been awhile since I’ve been this vocal while playing
a game.”


– 伊津野英昭,卡普空 DMC5:SE版總監

“I got caught up in the hype and started playing the game and before I
realized it, I had spent an entire night trying to clinch that crown…”

– 濱口直樹,SE社 FF7重製版總監

Ghost of Tsushima 選作:《對馬戰鬼》

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“It was visceral and precise like the blade itself. Legends was the best
co-op experience to date with friends.”

– Keith Lee, Godfall 眾神殞落 開發工作室CEO

“Not only can you see Sucker Punch Productions’ technical finesse in this
game, but I really felt their strong commitment to craftsmanship. Even as a
Japanese person, I really enjoyed this game as a historical piece.”

「在本作中你不但能看到 Sucker Punch Production 的優秀技術,

– 橫山昌義,人中之龍7 遊戲設計&編劇

“Ghost of Tsushima really left an impression on me. It was a completely new
game set in Japan during the Kamakura period, which I imagine was no easy
endeavor for Sucker Punch to undertake, and they did a fantastic job with the
stunning visuals and highly polished gameplay. Here at Team Ninja, where we
have worked on a lot of sword fighting action, we were really impressed with
the game overall, and strive to create a title with as much ‘honor’ as
Ghost of Tsushima.”

– 安田文彥,Team Ninja 仁王2 製作人

“Ghost of Tsushima is a game that has a special place in my heart.
Everything in the art style, characters, music helps realizes the samurai
setting perfectly. It was one of my most anticipated games for 2020 and
Sucker Punch delivered it.”

象化了它所選擇的武士題材,本作是我2020年最投入的遊戲之一,Sucker Punch辦到了!

– Rafael Grassetti, 戰神美術總監 SONY聖塔蒙尼卡工作室

“Hopping into Tsushima and clearing out Mongols from camps is exactly the
therapeutic gameplay I needed in 2020. The world is beautiful, there are tons
of things to discover, the combat is fluid and surprisingly deep, and I can
feel like I’m actually accomplishing something turning the entire map from
red to white! Sucker Punch really delivered on the samurai fantasy.”

白時感到非常有成就感!Sucker Punch 成功呈獻了一部武士傳說大作。」

– Kurt Margenau, 頑皮狗最後生還者第二部 聯合遊戲總監

選作:Ikenfell  (抱歉這片的中文翻譯我不是很確定)

As chosen by… 選擇者:(感想略)

– Kevin Zuhn, Bugsnax 蟲蟲點心創意總監

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales 選作:《Marvel蜘蛛人:麥爾斯摩拉斯》

As chosen by…  選擇者:(感想略)

– Shaun Escayg, 水晶動力Marvel復仇者聯盟遊戲創意總監

No Man’s Sky 選作:《無人深空》

As chosen by…  選擇者:

“My personal favorite game of 2020 is the same as my personal favorite from
2019: No Man’s Sky. In a lot of ways, NMS is the opposite of the games we
make at Naughty Dog: rather than every moment being carefully crafted,
literally the entire galaxy is procedurally generated. Digging a tunnel to
take shelter from a raging radiation storm, barely avoiding freezing to death
diving for ancient secrets in a polar ocean, building my dream-base on a
forest moon filled with giant squid creatures, quietly watching flying
animals flock and undulate with the planet’s ring backing them in the sky…
Some amazing memorable moments in that game, all the more special because no
one will ever have those exact moments but me. The next-gen update on PS5 is
amazing, a great reason to come back.”

– Anthony Newman, 頑皮狗 最後生還者第二部 聯合遊戲總監

Resident Evil 3 選作:《惡靈古堡重製版 3》

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“I was pretty busy this year, but I made time to play Resident Evil 3
because I loved the Resident Evil 2 remake. I thought RE3 was fantastic,
especially given how stressful 2020 was. The combination of horror and action
made it extremely cathartic for me to play through.”

– Derek Yu – Spelunky 洞穴冒險 2

The Last of Us Part II 選作:《最後生還者第二部》

As chosen by…  選擇者:

“The original Last of Us is one of my favorite games of all time. It really
felt like they pushed the boundaries of what is possible in games and kept me
on the edge of my seat throughout the whole experience. With Part II, I
wanted to know where director Neil Druckmann would take this world. How could
he and the team possibly surpass the original, having set the bar so high?


“Well, they did, and I wasn’t let down. Existing characters are taken in
unexpected directions, and brand new characters join The Last of Us saga that
add spice to an already rich post-apocalyptic world.”


– Gavin Moore, 惡魔靈魂重製版創意總監

“For me it represents the best PS4 could offer, the pinnacle of this
generation. It’s just so beautiful in every way, a masterpiece.”


– Cyrille Imbert, Streets of Rage 怒之鐵拳 4 執行製作人

“This game stuck with me for a long time. Humanity is shown from its darkest
angle. But in all the hatred and revenge, is also a story of empathy and
hope. A thought-provoking masterpiece.”


– Angie Smets, Guerrilla 《地平線:期待黎明》開發工作室總監

“There’s so many [games to choose from]! I *just* platinumed Astro’s
Playroom – and that was fantastic – a real love letter to the history of
PlayStation…. But probably the highlight of my year was seeing the
continuation of the Joel/Ellie story in the sequel to the Last of Us.”

– Stuart Whyte, SONY倫敦工作室共同負責人

“The narrative masterpiece that is The Last of Us Part II. One of the only
games where I don’t find myself trying to analyze game loops or reading Reddi
t about min-maxing builds. A game where I sit back and willingly surrender mys
elf to the brilliant minds at Naughty Dog.

Also, my wife agreed that if we ever have a daughter, her name would be
Ellie. (If you’re reading this, it’s on the internet now. No take-backs).”
另外,我太太也同意了,如果以後我們會有女兒,要叫她 Ellie。(如果你讀到這段,表

– Jason Chuang原神 Impact 資深產品市場經理

“I was blown away by the experience, by far my favorite of the year. I have
always loved the craft and attention to detail Naughty Dog puts into every
game they make and with The Last of Us Part II has set the bar, once again,
for what our industry can accomplish.”


– Brian Horton, Insomniac Games,Marvel 蜘蛛人麥爾斯摩拉斯創意總監

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and 2 選作:《Tony Hawk 滑板高手 1+2》

As chosen by… 選擇者:(感想略)

– Anthony Pepper, 糖豆人資深遊戲設計師



Persona 5 Royal and Streets of Rage 4 選作:
女神異聞錄5 皇家版+怒之鐵拳4

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“I tend to enjoy games that I can share with my family, so it’s really a
toss up between two titles for this year – Persona 5 Royal and Streets of
Rage 4. I played the original Persona 5 when it released in Japan back in
2016 and Royal has even more content and story. My wife and five year-old
daughter loved watching the characters interact and the well-developed story
unfold. I must have played for over 230 hours!

Streets of Rage 4 is a fun action game that has local co-op and it’s great
to share the experience with the fam. The controls are simple enough for my
daughter to play, and she’s pretty good. I personally love the throwbacks to
the original. The nostalgia is heavy with a booming soundtrack and homages to
the originals.”

– Peter Fabiano, 卡普空 Resident Evil 3 惡靈古堡重製版3製作人

Final Fantasy VII Remake and Ghost of Tsushima

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“It is so hard to pick one, as there are so many good games that shipped
this year… if I go with my heart it will have to be Final Fantasy VII
Remake. For me it was a massive hit of nostalgia. I was always a big fan of
the series even from the very first one! But if I go with my soul, Ghost of
Tsushima as it was so well done. I really like how they took this theme and
expressed it in mechanics and systems beautifully.”

– Benoit Richer, 刺客教條:維京紀元 聯合開發遊戲總監

Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us Part II

As chosen by… 選擇者:

“This is tough. I will get in a lot of trouble for making choices like this,
but I can’t decide between Ghost of Tsushima or The Last of Us Part II.
Ghost was such an enjoyable experience – I am so happy for the team at
Sucker Punch at the way that has gone for them. Exploring 13th century Japan
felt unique, and it’s such a beautiful game as well. The cinematic Kurosawa
Mode just felt so cool. And The Last of Us Part II was a very intense
experience. Not just because the story and characters were gripping, but also
because the world itself was so detailed. It’s the kind of memorable
experience you get from being dragged way outside of your comfort zone.

“In fact, you cannot expect me to choose just one game here. So I am not
going to. Btw, I am also very impressed with the work that Sucker Punch and
Naughty Dog did to make both titles run so well on PS5.”

順道一提,我驚豔於Sucker Punch和頑皮狗投注的心力,讓這兩款遊戲在PS5上表現出色

– Hermen Hulst, PlayStation Studios 負責人

Tags: PS

All Comments

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2021-01-05T17:34
這排版 看到一半就不想看了 對不起QQ
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2021-01-09T04:38
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-01-10T16:19
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-01-12T10:19
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-01-17T08:50
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-01-18T20:22
15字PTT PS板濃縮版:日本開發者選Fall Guys和對馬
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-01-19T00:02
2組數字的版本:10/10(對不起 根本沒有我亂說的
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-01-22T15:20
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-01-26T03:47
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-01-27T02:19
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-01-30T21:45
有女兒要叫她 Ellie
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2021-01-31T15:31
那兩個聯合遊戲導演其實存在感也不低 但....
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2021-02-01T05:08
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-02-05T23:33
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-02-06T21:28
網頁還有圖 版面比較好看
我只有翻一部分 加上一些開發者的頭銜有去查一下
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2021-02-10T01:05
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2021-02-12T14:43
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2021-02-17T14:42
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2021-02-18T22:46
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2021-02-21T23:45
伊津野英昭說Fall Guys就算打到很幹也不會對遊戲生氣這
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2021-02-25T03:29
我建議英文就不要貼了 整篇文章重點太少
Una avatar
By Una
at 2021-02-25T15:46
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2021-02-27T20:48
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-02-28T15:48
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-03-05T06:12
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2021-03-08T04:30
TL;DR 全部客套話
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-03-10T07:32
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-03-11T17:56
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2021-03-15T11:50
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-03-16T19:13
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2021-03-18T15:31
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-03-21T11:34
選FF7RE的也太少 2020買的遊戲中我最喜歡的。
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-03-24T18:37
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-03-29T10:51
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2021-03-31T16:09
懶人包: 地平線總監選最後2
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-04-05T14:17
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2021-04-07T20:51
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2021-04-11T08:40
地平線其實有那味道 只是人家處裡的漂亮
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2021-04-14T15:59
慢慢看完了 感謝分享~ 有些chosen by出乎我意料 好反差XD
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-04-17T20:12
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2021-04-22T08:58
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-04-26T05:52
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2021-04-30T08:08
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2021-05-04T17:07
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2021-05-04T22:39
一般都是人當分類去選遊戲 這篇是遊戲分類再公佈誰選XD
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2021-05-09T20:05
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-05-14T01:50
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-05-15T12:01
只看選項 沒看心得文 還算看得懂XDDD
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-05-16T15:06
TL;DR 最後生還者二6票 對馬戰鬼5票 惡魔靈魂3票
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2021-05-18T02:18
直接看原文數人頭好像最快XD 耶Doom Eternal有一票XD
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-05-19T12:15
有夠亂直接 end
James avatar
By James
at 2021-05-24T05:08
還好 我都看中文 妥妥der (喂
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-05-25T01:53
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-05-26T00:43
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2021-05-30T16:36
當然要稱讚10/10 別人越爛我越好
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-06-01T10:45
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-06-02T20:12
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-06-07T00:32
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-06-07T11:43
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2021-06-12T07:40
顏色太花了 無法閱讀
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-06-14T15:21
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-06-15T14:22
重點不是一堆稱讚10/10 是誰稱讚10/10 以後拒買
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-18T20:58
就看Uncharted 出續作喊拒買的會不會真的拒買囉
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-20T07:20
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-06-23T01:44
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-06-23T05:57
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2021-06-26T10:57
who car
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-06-28T05:30
推TLOU2 遊戲性真的是神作
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2021-07-02T00:00
《怒之鐵拳4》就是數毛社Digital Foundry其中一位他202
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2021-07-03T07:29
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-07-06T22:40
同41樓 意外FF7沒什麼人喜歡
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-07-11T16:26
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-07-11T22:43
原PO 你可以學一學怎麼排版
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2021-07-12T22:32
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2021-07-16T05:09
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2021-07-18T06:52
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2021-07-18T11:24
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2021-07-23T09:20
QQ 只有我還是不知道這在打甚麼嗎?
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2021-07-26T20:43
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-07-28T12:05
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-08-02T11:38
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-08-02T16:19


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-01-01T23:57
如題 小弟最近重溫太七 但在一個很奇怪的地方卡住了 就是在神羅的船上要打jenova之前 找每個人對談後 找Aeris 後再找berret (本來擋住的人不見了) 應該找Barret後會有事情發生 但找它對話後警報卻沒發生 現在找每個人對談後都沒事發生 完全卡住不知道要怎麼進行 請問這 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2021-01-01T22:55
今天遊戲破關了,剛開始要去「尋覓逝去的時光」讓某個人回來,之前這篇初期心得有人 提到可以再回來補一下通關心得,剛好通關後對DQ11有了不一樣的想法。 首先之前我沒有提到「戰鬥」的部分,因為那時我覺得戰鬥很簡單,除了主角之外都是用 電腦控制,甚至覺得有點無聊,隨便打都會贏,結果在壁畫的女妖那邊第一次被整個團滅 ...

momo PS5主機禮包1/4 0:00偷偷開賣

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-01-01T20:27
綁的是PS4版的豬豬人, 好處是黃牛不會去搶, 能接受的人可以去試試 - ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-01-01T18:47
大家好 小弟想問一下 手把能不能用豆腐頭充電? 吃5v1a的電? 還是只能線接主機充電呢? - ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2021-01-01T12:48
我在玩往日不再這款遊戲之前 已經聽過很多褒貶不一的評價了 玩到現在終於破台想聊一下它的優缺點 缺點: 1.Ubi式的免洗任務,也有FO4的感覺 2.有幾段劇情沒有顯示字幕,都過這麼久了還有這種低級bug 3.物理碰撞偏少,顯示介面出戲,常常露出舊世代遊戲的味道 優點: 1.真正營造出大量屍潮的壓迫感,完成 ...