PSV模擬器 Vita3k Android 版已發佈 - 模擬器

By Rachel
at 2023-02-12T22:54
at 2023-02-12T22:54
Table of Contents
You may need to clear your shader cache when switching back and forth between dr
Installing some games can take a while as they need to be decrypted. Please do n
ot close the application while an application is installing.
Backscreen touch is not supported yet. If a game requires it, a workaround for m
any of them is to enable PS TV mode (Settings -> System)
If the text you entered on the virtual keyboard does not show up, click on it on
the keyboard suggestion.
Vita3K is still an experimental emulator and this is the first release so don't
be surprised if the emulator crashes when trying some games. It will only improv
e over time. The apk and its updates will be available below this message in thi
s channel.
Minimum requirements:
- ARM64 device with
- Vulkan 1.0 support
- Android 7+ (Note: if your device supports Vulkan 1.0, then it is running at le
ast Android 7)
Recommended requirements:
- To be updated (but if your device only has the minimum requirements, don't exp
ect to be able to run anything more than some homebrews / 2D games)
The Android version will not be open source for at least a few months. This mean
s that nobody else is able to build / modify it. If you were to install a versio
n that is not an apk downloaded from this channel, you'll get nothing out of it
except possibly a virus.
The android version supports custom drivers for Adreno devices. If you have an A
dreno 6xx GPU, it is recommended to use Turnip drivers to get a big speed increa
se. Vita3K is compatible with adpkg drivers.
如果有關注skyline模擬器的話 高通的驅動可以去那邊載
You may need to clear your shader cache when switching back and forth between dr
Installing some games can take a while as they need to be decrypted. Please do n
ot close the application while an application is installing.
Backscreen touch is not supported yet. If a game requires it, a workaround for m
any of them is to enable PS TV mode (Settings -> System)
If the text you entered on the virtual keyboard does not show up, click on it on
the keyboard suggestion.
Vita3K is still an experimental emulator and this is the first release so don't
be surprised if the emulator crashes when trying some games. It will only improv
e over time. The apk and its updates will be available below this message in thi
s channel.
Minimum requirements:
- ARM64 device with
- Vulkan 1.0 support
- Android 7+ (Note: if your device supports Vulkan 1.0, then it is running at le
ast Android 7)
Recommended requirements:
- To be updated (but if your device only has the minimum requirements, don't exp
ect to be able to run anything more than some homebrews / 2D games)
The Android version will not be open source for at least a few months. This mean
s that nobody else is able to build / modify it. If you were to install a versio
n that is not an apk downloaded from this channel, you'll get nothing out of it
except possibly a virus.
The android version supports custom drivers for Adreno devices. If you have an A
dreno 6xx GPU, it is recommended to use Turnip drivers to get a big speed increa
se. Vita3K is compatible with adpkg drivers.
如果有關注skyline模擬器的話 高通的驅動可以去那邊載
All Comments

By Tristan Cohan
at 2023-02-15T17:04
at 2023-02-15T17:04

By Quintina
at 2023-02-18T11:15
at 2023-02-18T11:15 s870測試

By Frederica
at 2023-02-21T05:25
at 2023-02-21T05:25

By Noah
at 2023-02-23T23:36
at 2023-02-23T23:36

By Caitlin
at 2023-02-26T17:46
at 2023-02-26T17:46

By Steve
at 2023-03-01T11:57
at 2023-03-01T11:57

By Noah
at 2023-03-04T06:07
at 2023-03-04T06:07

By Isabella
at 2023-03-07T00:18
at 2023-03-07T00:18

By Necoo
at 2023-03-09T18:28
at 2023-03-09T18:28
問題 日式AVG除了一些小bug大多都能玩

By Bennie
at 2023-03-12T12:38
at 2023-03-12T12:38

By Lucy
at 2023-03-11T04:19
at 2023-03-11T04:19

By Valerie
at 2023-03-13T22:30
at 2023-03-13T22:30

By Rebecca
at 2023-03-11T04:19
at 2023-03-11T04:19
者 ww 只能等優化

By Ursula
at 2023-03-13T22:30
at 2023-03-13T22:30

By Adele
at 2023-03-11T04:19
at 2023-03-11T04:19

By Xanthe
at 2023-03-13T22:30
at 2023-03-13T22:30

By Charlotte
at 2023-03-11T04:19
at 2023-03-11T04:19

By Donna
at 2023-03-13T22:30
at 2023-03-13T22:30

By Christine
at 2023-03-11T04:19
at 2023-03-11T04:19

By Frederic
at 2023-03-13T22:30
at 2023-03-13T22:30
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