PSV執行MD模擬器的實測影片 - 模擬器

By Wallis
at 2011-12-28T19:31
at 2011-12-28T19:31
Table of Contents
This is Half Byte Loader running the Picodrive emulator on the Playstation
Vita, as a follow up to the Hello World that wa
s announced a few days ago.
Usually I would show the entire loading process, but given the secret nature
of the exploit and some of the loading process for now, I'm just showing some
Please don't get your hopes too high. As you can read on my blog, Sony put
into place some security that will basically make this exploit moot as soon
as it is made available, so this is just useful for research right now, and
just a "ray of hope"...
People who have used HBL in the past will recognize the distorted sound from
Sonic, this is due to incorrectly estimated syscalls (the PSP emulator on the
Vita is based on PSP Firmware 6.60, which has some enforced securities with
syscalls). We might, or might not, fix this before the release
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